Project Timeline: May 2023 - December 2024
Short Summary
The Filling the Gap – Crustacean FISP project is a collaborative research project led by Bangor University, Seafish and the industry-led Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG), to address existing evidence gaps relating to brown crab and lobster fisheries in Wales and England. In partnership with active fishermen, the project aims to support long-term sustainable management of these fisheries.
Despite weathering significant challenges over the past years, with a combined landings value in excess of £110 million in 2021, brown crab and lobster fisheries are among the UK's most economically important fisheries. However, both non-quota species, concerns have been raised regarding their long-term sustainability due to increased fishing effort and, more recently, declining landings, especially of brown crab.
Despite their importance, particularly to inshore fishermen, our knowledge of these fisheries remains limited. Data gaps for both species exist around catch composition, stock structure, and environmental interactions. Several of these gaps – many of which are common for both English and Welsh stocks – have been identified by the CMG, an industry-led advisory group comprising key stakeholders from industry, government, fisheries management bodies, and the research community, as critical to the development and implementation of appropriate management measures for these fisheries.

Our Aims
In addressing the knowledge gaps surrounding these fisheries, the Crustacean FISP project seeks to:
- Improve understanding of fishing operations and biological processes for brown crab and European lobster stocks in England and Wales to facilitate appropriate and accurate stock assessment and management.
- Contribute to the development of FMPs for these species in England and Wales, and the realisation of the objectives of the 2020 Fisheries Act.
- Strengthen co-management of these fisheries.
- Contribute to the long-term sustainability of crab and lobster fisheries in the UK.
Focused on four different areas of research and with significant input from the fishing industry, to achieve these aims, the Crustacean FISP project is investigating:
- The landings structure of English and Welsh brown crab fisheries.
- The size-structure of lobster populations.
- The benthic impact of brown crab and lobster potting activities.
- How to define soft-shell crab.
Fisheries Management Plans
Under the UK's Fisheries Act 2020, Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs) for key commercial fisheries in the UK are currently being developed. As part of these plans, Defra published six 'frontrunner' FMPs for consultation last summer. Included among those was the English Crab and Lobster FMP, led by Seafish in collaboration with the CMG. A management plan for crab and lobster in Wales is also being prepared and will be published by the Welsh government in 2026.
- For more information about what Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs) are and which plans are being developed click here
Several data and knowledge gaps relating to brown crab and lobster fisheries have been identified by the CMG’s science subgroup as critical to the successful assessment of these stocks and, based on this, their management. Working in close partnership with the CMG, its subgroups, the Welsh Fishermen’s Association (WFA), South Devon and Channel Shellfishermen's Association (SD&C), and Devon & Severn Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority (D&S IFCA) Association, alongside other relevant fisheries organisations and management bodies, the Crustacean FISP Project aims to fill some of these and feed into the management of crab and lobster stocks in England and Wales for delivery of long term social and ecological sustainability.
- To find out more about the work of the industry led Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) click here

Working Together to Ensure Thriving Fisheries
Working directly with fishermen, industry and management groups, the evidence gathered and knowledge co-created as part of the Crustacean FISP project will directly contribute to the development of management strategies for crab and lobster fisheries in Wales and England, with potential for application across the UK.
Evidence-based management will improve the long-term sustainability of these valuable fisheries and is key to ensuring thriving, sustainable fisheries for generations to come
If you would like to get involved or find out more about the Filling the Gap – Crustacean FISP project, please contact:
- Project lead: Natalie Hold, Bangor University:
- Research Officer: Dr Kathryn Whittey: