Our Brand Narrative
Here you will find a guide to how we talk about our University, our purpose and our distinctiveness.
They have been created for use by anyone who represents the voice of the University. Whether you are delivering experiences such as teaching and research, writing about us, producing communications, giving presentations, and talking to other people about us.
Take this narrative and use it as a basis to communicate all aspects of the University.
View our Brand Narrative pages
Bangor Logo

The Bangor University logo has been developed to be used across all of our marketing and communication materials for both print and digital channels. Before using our logo please familiarise yourself with our brand guidelines.
Our logo is available in various approved formats and variations including colour, colour with white text, mono black and mono white. An eps version will provide the best results for production and is used by designers and suppliers when handling print.
For web and email we would recommend a gif or png. However, for internal usage we would suggest using a jpeg.

There is also a restricted use variant with a horizontal lock up. For access to this variation please use the contact details found at the bottom of this page.
Follow the links below to open the logos, then right click to download.
EPS Files
PowerPoint Template
This corporate PowerPoint template has Master Slides and a choice of pages to use.
Charity Registration Number
As a registered charity, the University is required by section 39 of the Charities Act 2011 to state on a range of official documents that the charity is a registered charity. The documents on which the statement must appear include:
- notices;
- advertisements;
- material placed on websites; and
- other documents issued by or on behalf of a charity intended to persuade the reader to give money or property to the charity.
All official documents should include the statement: Elusen Gofrestredig: Rhif 1141565 / Registered Charity: No. 1141565
If you have a query related to our brand that is not answered here, please email Jo Wierzbicki.