Module XME-4017:
Teaching Dyslexic Learners (1)
The Principles and Methodology in the Teaching of Dyslexic Learners 2024-25
School Of Educational Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Joanna Dunton
This module includes compulsory practical teaching and assessment work which link in various ways with the course seminars and provides the main material for the assignments. Course members will assess and identify the particular difficulties of a study pupil in reading, spelling, and handwriting and formulate suitable programmes for intervention. They are expected to show how their work (informed by on-going formative evaluation) developed over the teaching period and to take a critical approach when selecting materials for teaching and assessing their pupils. Ingenuity and originality of teaching approaches are encouraged, particularly in the use of games and visual material to assist further learning.
General introduction, background and related topics may include:
- the nature of dyslexia and its aetiology;
- current research studies;
- memory and literacy learning;
- co-morbidity
- speech and auditory perception: an introduction to phonetics;
- other specific learning difficulties and their interaction with dyslexia;
- emotional and social factors in dyslexia, including adults; the role of the teacher/tutor as counsellor;
- statutory and legal issues for dyslexic children and students. (Code of Practice, exam access arrangements and Disability legislation as it applies to education.)
Diagnosis and assessment:
- the role of the Educational Psychologist in assessment of learning difficulties;
- recognition by the teacher, including early recognition of dyslexia, and classroom assessment.
- principles of teaching and multisensory procedures;
- approaches to the teaching of reading and spelling using a phonic approach;
- introduction to a range of published programmes;
- drawing up and delivering a structured phonic programme for an individual pupil/student based on the teacher’s own diagnostic assessment and other reports;
- making a phonic dictionary – the Bangor way of recording the phonological work;
- the teaching diary – an essential professional tool;
- selection and use of appropriate materials;
- handwriting and the development of fine motor skills;
- written language skills for pupils in KS2 and 3;
- study skills and preparing for examinations;
- mathematics work with dyslexic pupils in KS2 and 3;
- the use of computers and computer software;
- thinking skills, learning strategies and individual styles;
- whole school approaches and inclusion, and the National Curriculum.
Topics will include:
- Principles of teaching dyslexic learners, with particular reference to the Bangor Dyslexia Teaching System (Elaine Miles);
- Assessing learners' difficulties and drawing up a programme of structured phonic work;
- Approaches and multisensory procedures for teaching reading and spelling;
- Reading books and teaching resources for dyslexic learners at school and FE college.;
- Written language skills for pupils in Years 7-11 and FE college;
- Study skills and preparing for examinations;
- Handwriting and the development of fine motor skills;
- Using software and IT tools to help with spelling, writing, and study needs;
- Dealing with difficulties in mathematics;
- Helping dyslexic learners in classroom and whole-school/college setting;
- An introduction to thinking skills and different learning strategies;
- A teaching programme and books for Welsh dyslexic pupils.
Assessment Strategy
30 hours of one to one teaching delivering a multisensory, structured phonic programme with three recorded lessons of one hour duration each. Final recording must reach BDA required standard
Learning Outcomes
- Administer, examine and analyse appropriate tests to assess learners’ literacy attainments and needs.
- Competently prepare reports to specialist teachers and other professionals and non-professionals concerned with the support of students including the provision of advice and recommendations to meet specific purposes.
- Critically review and evaluate a range of recent, relevant texts, books and peer reviewed research articles.
- Critically appraise and reflect on a range of learning strategies and structured, sequential, multisensory language and numeracy teaching programmes.
- Critically evaluate their own performance and relate this to theories and recent research pertaining to the study of dyslexia.
- Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary theories of the typical development of language, literacy and numeracy skills and how dyslexic learners may differ from those who are not experiencing difficulties in acquiring these skills.
- Design, produce, deliver and critically evaluate appropriate programmes in relation to the assessed needs of a range of dyslexic pupils making reference to current theory and research.
- Select and produce appropriate resources for teaching.
- Understand and critically appraise the role of ICT in: the screening for and teaching of specific learning difficulties/dyslexia; the range of technical aids for teaching, writing and numeracy; support and access to learning.
- Understand the nature of the difficulties of dyslexic learners.
Assessment method
Case Study
Assessment type
Case study and report on initial assessments and programme planning , with an exploration of appropriate multisensory resources and methods.
Assessment method
Case Study
Assessment type
This assignment is a compilation of sections showing the work you have done with your pupil/student over the year. It should provide a comprehensive account of the teaching work and should include discussion of issues raised, a critical assessment of what YOU have achieved and the multisensory techniques that you have used in the year’s teaching. It should clearly demonstrate YOUR OWN learning as well as that of your pupil/student.