Module JXH-1061:
Land-based Skills & Group Man
Land-based skills and group management 2024-25
School of Psychology & Sport Science
Module - Semester 1 & 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Leo Scheltinga
Welcome the Practical Land Based Skills Module, part of the Adventure Sport Science degree.
This module aims to help students:
Acquire the basic practical skills associated with safe, land-based, adventure activities.
Understand the preparation and reflective follow-up which is consistent with developing good practice working out of doors.
Develop the generic, personal qualities of awareness, judgement and attitude, which allow individuals to operate safely within a group.
Skills taught or practised:- 1. Navigation including formative assessment opportunities via unaccompanied walks. Night navigation. 2. Hillwalking within a mixed ability group (group skills) 3. Camping skills, choosing and carrying equipment. Cooking. 4. Indoor climbing skills including movement, bouldering, bottom roping, lead climbing, belaying, abseiling, climbing calls, climbing partner safety checks. 5. Risk assessing 6. Transferring skills from one environment to another. 7. Understanding the weather and how a forecast can be used to enable better use of the environment. 8. Mountain rescue and emergency procedures. 9. Route planning. 10. Self-reflection and goal setting.
NB. Practical sessions are compulsory. If they are missed without mitigating circumstances then you may fail the module
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -To be awarded a pass mark (D-), students must be able to demonstrate, at a basic level of competence, that they can participate in a variety of land-based activities, within a group, without endangering themselves, that they can identify and respond to obvious environmental hazards and that they can conduct a rudimentary evaluation of their own level of skill, knowledge and understanding of one land-based activity. In-text citations and reference list, formatting is not to departmental guidelines with multiple errors or omissions.NB. Practical sessions are compulsory. If they are missed without mitigating circumstances then they may fail the module
-good -To be awarded B- or above, students must be able to demonstrate that they can participate in a variety of land-based activities, within a group, exercising good skills and judgement in respect of safety, that they can identify, prioritise and respond to most commonly encountered environmental hazards, and that they can evaluate, with a good degree of accuracy, their own level of skill, knowledge and understanding of one land-based activity. In-text citations and reference list, formatting is to departmental guidelines with some errors or omissions.
-excellent -To be awarded A- or above, students must demonstrate that they are consistently in complete control of their own safety when participating in a variety of land-based activities within a group, that they have a comprehensive understanding of environmental hazards and possess a full range of appropriate strategies for coping with them, and that they can evaluate, with a high degree of accuracy, their own level of skill, knowledge and understanding of one land-based activity. In-text citations and reference list, formatting is to departmental guidelines without errors or omissions.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding with respect to a land-based adventure activity.
- Identify, understand and adapt to the changing environmental hazards encountered while undertaking adventurous land-based activities
- Participate safely, within a group, while undertaking a range of land-based activities.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Use the weather forecast, general road map and Ordinance Survey map (1:25000) provided. Combine this with your reflective thoughts from ODA practical days, personal days out and any background reading to answer the following 5 questions. Remember that although a route has been provided you are trying to show the above two learning outcomes in your answer.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
To produce a written, researched and reflective assignment self-evaluation based around the mountain leader assessment home paper, which includes an evaluation of your own understanding of module sessions.
Due date