Module NHS-4377:
Child Adolescent Mental Health
Child/Adolescent Mental Health 2024-25
School of Health Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
40 credits
Module Organiser:
Mari Roberts
CHILD MENTAL HEALTH Understanding the principles relating to the development of mental health/problems in children/young people. LO 1, 6) Strategic context for care (LO 4) Working in an interprofessional context and co-production (LO 3,4) Resilience and risk (LO 1, 3, 4) Adverse Childhood Experiences and their impact for children and young people (LO 1,3,4) Attachment theory (LO 1, 3) Assessment (LO 1, 6) Assessment and formulation (LO 1, 6, 7) Working bilingually and active offer (1,2,3) Compassion focused approaches (LO 1,6,7) Working in trauma informed ways (LO 1,3,4)
Work with young people who are sad - depressed or distress from low mood. (LO 1-7)
Loss (LO 1, 3, 6)
Understanding self-harming behaviours. (LO 1-7)
Working with children and young people who are anxious and young people with PTSD (LO 1-7)
Working with young people with obsessive compulsive disorder (LO 1-7)
Understanding and working with children and young people with ADHD/conduct disorder.(LO 1-7)
Understanding autism spectrum and the impact on the individual and their families (LO 1-7)
Understanding eating disorders (LO 1-7)
Working with young people who have psychosis (LO 1-7)
Working with co-occurring substance misuse (LO 1-7)
Reflection on practice: evaluation, supervision, consultation (LO 4)
Critical evaluation of policy framework in practise (LO1,2)
MANAGING EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES Legal framework. (LO2) Ethical issues in children and young people services (LO2) Children’s rights (LO2) Risk assessment (LO6) Understanding the role clinical supervision and consultation (LO1-4) Early intervention and prevention (LO 1-7) Parenting programmes (LO 1-7) Working with families (LO 1-7) CBT approaches with children and families (LO 1-7) Interpersonal therapy (IPT) (LO 1-7) DBT (LO 1-7) Psych-social interventions (LO 1-7) Systems and family interventions (LO 1-7)
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Basic understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module. Students will be required to achieve a minimum of C- grade in the assignment to in order to pass the theory component of the module.
-good - Very good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module. This equates to a minimum mark of Grade B- in the Grading Criteria.
-excellent -An excellent understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and evidence of additional evidence gained by the student. Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of pertinent mental health issues. This equates to a minimum mark of Grade A- in the Grading Criteria
Learning Outcomes
- Accurately assess mental health problems and disorders in children and young people including the utility of case formulation and risk assessment/management that may require further intervention and critically evaluate the processes which contribute to the delivery of prudent treatment objectives that promote governance.
- Appraise, evaluate and critically evaluate aspects of work with children and young people within the context of interagency and multidisciplinary team work including co-production and working with families.
- Critically evaluate and critically synthesise evidence based approaches available in child and adolescent mental health services to meet the emotional well-being needs of children, young people and families.
- Critically evaluate and critique underpinning values, principles and theory in which the legal and ethical frameworks provide for safeguarding children and young people in practice and within the wider system.
- Critically evaluate the central themes, principles and concepts in relation to child development including bio-psycho-social and ecological perspectives. Debate the relational aspects and recursivity between child development theory and practice.
- Critically evaluate, compare and debate the divergences of interventions designed to enhance the psychological and emotional well-being and resilience of a young person and or their family.
- Critically examine the role of self/relational reflexivity in the functions, processes and outcomes in the context of the therapeutic relationship including the role of clinical supervision and or consultation in practice.
- Critically synthesise and critique the processes relating to the care and treatment processes, options and roles designed within mental health policy frameworks and action plans, social policy and the role of inter-agency working, compassionate leadership and co-production plays in this regard.
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Delivery of a formal 20-minute seminar, relevant to an identified subject; 10 minutes for an uninterrupted presentation and 10 minutes for questions. The seminar can be linked to either a specific topic area or be facilitated through presenting a clinical formulation.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
A 1000-word formulation of a clinical case (referenced and linked to evidence base).
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
4,000 word essay discussing approaches to a child/young person/family incorporating assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care.
Due date
Assessment method
Clinical Practical Assessment
Assessment type
Due date