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Picture taken from the end of Bangor Pier

15th European Ornithologists' Congress, Wales 2025

  Monday, 18 August 2025 - Friday, 22 August 2025

  School of Environmental and Natural Sciences,
     Bangor University, Bangor, Wales, UK

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15th European Ornithologists' Congress, Wales 2025

Monday, 18 August 2025 - Friday, 22 August 2025

European Ornithologists' Union Logo

Key Dates

  • 15 November 2024 - Deadline for submitting symposium proposals

Plenary Speakers

Tim Birkhead

Tim Birkhead, University of Sheffield, UK

'Fifty years of Guillemot Uria aalge studies on Skomer Island, Wales'

Suvi Ruuskanen

Suvi Ruuskanen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

'Invisible friends: Microbiome, physiology and fitness in a changing world'

Davide Dominoni

Davide Dominoni, University of Glasgow, UK

'Navigating the urban jungle: From individuals to population processes of city birds'

Antica Culina

Antica Culina, Ruder Boskovic Institute, Croatia

'Collaborative and robust bird research - why and how'

Mylene Mariette

Mylene Mariette, Doñana Biological Station EBD-CSIC

'Avian developmental programming by sound in a changing world'

Will Cresswell

Will Cresswell, University of St Andrews, UK

'Understanding migration - theoretical and conservation challenges that can unite us along flyways'

Rose Thorogood

Rose Thorogood, University of Helsinki, Finland

'Why do birds do what they do? How ‘information ecology’ helps understand behavioural responses to environmental change'





This conference is organised by Mark Mainwaring, Richard Holland, and Alex Sutton in the School of Environmental and Natural Sciences at Bangor University, UK. 

School of Environmental and Natural Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor LL57 2DG

Contact Us

School of Environmental and Natural Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor LL57 2DG