Dwy Iaith, Dwy Galon? (Two languages, Two Hearts) Welsh Medium Session
Discovering the Human Mind: Psychology Webinar Series
Knowing how to speak and understand more than one language is an amazing skill, and can have a positive effect on the brain. But, did you know that language can also change the way we see the world?
We can be more emotional in one language than the other, we can behave differently in both languages, and we are more likely to believe something in our first language. Thinking about these differences is very important in the health field (e.g., when choosing the language of a counselling session) and the legal field (e.g., when choosing a jury).
Join us for an engaging discussion on the complexities of language, identity, and well-being.
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This session will be delivered through the medium of Welsh.
Dr Awel Vaughan-Evans
Awel is a Reader in psychology at the School of Psychology and Sport Science, and as such is involved in many modules across all three years. She is currently the Module Organizer on two Year 1 interdisciplinary research methods modules that are delivered in Welsh. Awel is also the module organiser of a third-year module that focuses on the cross disciplinary topic of Neuroaesthetics, and is the lead for the psychology dissertation modules, all of which are delivered in both English and Welsh.
Awel currently supervises undergraduate research projects investigating the broad topics of bilingualism, language use, language learning, and neuroaesthetics.
Awel’s research mainly focuses on bilingualism. She is particularly interested in the way a bilingual’s languages interact, and uses a variety of research methods (including eyetracking and ERPs) in her research. Awel is also interested in the perception and appreciation of music and poetry.