If you need to register, this requirement will be shown on your visa in your passport, Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) or the Home Office decision letter. If the requirement is not written on any of these but you think you may need to register with the police, please contact us.
If you do need to register with the police, you must do so within seven days of your arrival to the UK or receiving a new visa in the UK.
Afghanistan |
Bolivia |
Iran |
Lebanon |
Peru |
Tunisia |
Algeria |
Brazil |
Iraq |
Libya |
Qatar |
Turkey |
Argentina |
China |
Israel |
Moldova |
Russia |
Turkmenistan |
Armenia |
Colombia |
Jordan |
Morocco |
Saudi Arabia |
Azerbaijan |
Cuba |
Kazakhstan |
North Korea |
Sudan |
Ukraine |
Bahrain |
Egypt |
Kuwait |
Oman |
Syria |
Uzbekistan |
Belarus |
Georgia |
Kyrgyzstan |
Palestine |
Tajikistan |
Yemen |
(Correct March 2021, UKVI list)
The first time you register with the police, you will need to provide: passport, two passport photographs and the registration fee of £34. You can either attend Bangor Police Station in person, or if you will be arriving in Bangor in September, there will be opportunity to register with the police throughout Welcome Week.
Important: You must also update your details with the police within 7 days if you:
- Change address in the UK
- Change your visa
- Get married
- Change your passport
Or if any of the other details on your police registration certificate change.
If you have any questions about registering with the police, contact internationalsupport@bangor.ac.uk for more information.