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Collaboration Hub

Collaborating with Businesses and External Organisations

The University has strong mission commitment to collaborate with businesses and other external organisations for mutual benefit. Our vision is to ‘Put Knowledge to Work’ and, by doing so:

  • Bring the skills of our students and staff, their expertise and the institution’s facilities into play for the benefit of the region;
  • Demonstrate the impact of our research on the wider society and economy.

The Collaboration Hub site is the University’s portal for businesses and other external organisations looking to access the expertise, facilities and skills at the University.
The key contacts identified on the site can provide information and advice to support the development of your ideas.

For general enquiries about collaborating with business and commercial partners contact us on:


Tel: 01248 383000

Collaboration Hub

Commercialisation and Consultancy

Information about intellectual property, commercialisation and consultancy for University staff. 

Find out more