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Xray, stethoscope and papers with medical content.

North Wales Medical School research seminars

📅 Regular seminars throughout the year
📍 In-person & online sessions available
🔬 Diverse topics spanning medical and health sciences

Join us to stay informed, expand your professional network, and contribute to the advancement of medical research in North Wales and beyond.

Upcoming Seminars

📅31.01.25 From remote consulting to remote medicines access: The Remote by Default 2 and REMEDY
projects. Dr. Rebecca Payne Nuffield Department of Primary Care, University of Oxford; Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Bangor University

📅07.02.25 Pharmacoeconomics, pharmaceutical policy and medicines use (PEPPER) Research Group.
Prof. Dyfrig Hughes Centre for Health Economics & Medicines Evaluation (CHEME), North Wales Medical School, Bangor University

📅14.02.25 A new trial monitoring plan (TMP) template for clinical trials: output from a Delphi process
Shiva Taheri MRC Clinical Trials Unit, Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology (ICTM), University College London

📅21.02.25 Making sense of illness: patient and family caregiver perceptions, responses and outcomes
Prof. Val Morrison School of Psychology and Sport Science, Bangor University

📅28.02.25 Cutting a nerve of the hand alters the organisation of digit maps in primary somatosensory
cortex. Dr. Ken Valyear School of Psychology and Sport Science, Bangor University

📅07.03.25 To Covid-19 vaccines and beyond: Manufacturing new medicines in academia
Prof. Catherine Green OBE Nuffield Department of Medicine's Clinical Biomanufacturing Facility; Welcome Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford

📅14.03.25 Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD): jump-starting novel drug discovery projects
Dr. Salvatore Ferla Swansea University Medical School

📅21.03.25 Exploiting DNA repair defects for cancer therapy
Dr. Edgar Hartsuiker North Wales Medical School, Bangor University

Location: Brambell Building, Room A12.
What can urban wastewater tell us about human behaviour and health in Wales?
Prof. Davey Jones School of Environmental and Natural Sciences, Bangor University

📅04.04.25 How cells eat themselves, and is this a good thing
Dr. Nicholas Ktistakis Babraham Institute, Cambridge

📅11.04.25 Confessions of a Regulator
Dr. Gail Holland Swansea Trials Unit, Swansea University Medical School

Location:Brambell Building, Room C1.
Exploitation of DNA repair inhibitors in Neuroblastoma
Prof. Helen Bryant,School of Medicine and Population Health, University of Sheffield

Seminar recordings

Seminar recordings are available on the BU “NWMS Seminar Series” Team. BU staff and students can join through this link below.

Seminar Recordings

If you are a staff member of BCUHB and want access to the recordings, please send an email to Edgar Hartsuiker: