Royal Society International Exchanges 2024 Cost Share (NSFC)
Virus Vectors: Investigating the attachment of pathogens to suspended materials and their fate through the river-estuary-coastal continuum (P Robins, X Li, J Kevill, D Jones, £12k, 01 Jan 25 – 31 Dec ’26).
Dwr Cymru Cyfyngedig (Welsh Water): Citizen Science Project
Assessing Pathogen Risk and Public Perception in the Conwy River. (£10K, Jess Kevill, Pete Robins, Davey Jones. 01 Oct ’24 – 30 Sep ‘25).
HEFCW Enhancing Research Culture
'Researcher like me…' – Supporting diversity in our research community through relatable role models and exemplar pathways to success (PI: Emyr Martyn Roberts, Co-I: Prof. Shelagh Malham; Prof. Yueng-Djern Lenn; Dr. Lynda Yorke; Gwyn Roberts; Dr. Tracey Lloyd (all Bangor University); Prof. Philip Asare (University of Toronto, Canada)). £2000. 2024 (Jun-Jul).
Nature Networks Fund
#NNF3 Connecting Conwy: a plan for seascape scale recovery of marine habitats in Conwy Bay and the Menai Strait. Joint proposal with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). Lewis Le Vay, Maria Hayden-Hughes. £250k. Jul 2024- Mar 2026.
Defra (EA)
Identifying climate change risks to water quality across English estuaries.
P Robins, C Lyddon (Liv), D Jones, T Coulthard (Hull), G Coxon (Bristol), A Barkwith (BGS), F Fung (Met Office).
£310K, Apr 2024-Mar 2025.
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Wave measurements in Amlwch Port. Simon Neill. £5600. February 2024-May 2024.
ZSL: Hydrodynamic modelling of reservoirs
(P Robins and S Garnier, Jan-Dec 2024, £15,000).
NERC – Highlight Topic
#gravelbeach: Gravel barrier resilience in a changing climate. (Bangor PI) Martin Austin. £81k to Bangor, total £3M. Nov 2023 – Oct 2027.
Nature Networks Fund
#NNF2 Restoring Wild Oysters to Conwy Bay. Joint proposal with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). Lewis Le Vay, Maria Hayden-Hughes. £250k. Apr 2023- Mar 2025.
BU Impact and Innovation Award
A New Evidence Register for Sustainable Sand Bank Recoveries. Chris Unsworth (PI), Iain Fairley (NRW), Amelia Couldrey (HRW), Richard Whitehouse (HRW), Katrien Van Landeghem, Martin Austin. £29.6k. Aug 2023 – Jul 2024.
NERC – Climate consequences for rapid ocean change
DIMSUM: Drivers and Impacts of North Atlantic heat and freshwater fluxes unsettling modern-day climate. Yueng Djern Lenn (Lead-PI), Benjamin Lincoln. £290k Nov 2023-March 2026
Welsh Government: Agile funding
Irish and Celtic Sea Lighthouse. Towards Blue Solutions: Developing an Irish and Celtic Sea Hub. Shelagh Malham (PI), Julie Webb, Ronan Roche, Karen Tuson. £40K. 2023-2024.
Shared Prosperity Fund: Gwynedd
Shellfish and Aquaculture Hub. Shelagh Malham (PI), Julie Webb, Ben Winterbourn, Tom Galley, Nick Jones, Karen Tuson, Natalie Hold, Lewis LeVay. £400K. 2023-2024.
UKAEA: Small Business Research Initiative
Encourage innovation in the development of Lithium in an economic, sustainable, and scalable fusion energy fuel cycle. Simon Middleburgh (PI), Michael Rushton, Peter Golyshin, Olga Golyshina, Tom Galley, Nick Jones, Shelagh Malham £1.16M
Natural Resources Wales
Intertidal Bait Collection Management: Code of Conduct and Farmed Bait (Ragworm). (L Morris-Webb, SR Jenkins ) £20k
Understanding bycatch rates in Welsh net fisheries. Joint proposal with NRW and Welsh Fishermen’s Association (L. Clarke, J. G. Hiddink, J. Waggitt). £364,168
The Alice McCosh Trust, British Chelonia Group, British Herpetological Society
Sea turtles and climate change: developing the evidence base for management intervention (L. Clarke) £8k
Nature Networks Fund
SIARC-2 (Sharks Inspiring Action and Research with Communities).(ZSL/NRW-led, P Robins, S Ward, £16,500).
Investigating bank erosion rates in the Tees estuary (P Robins, M Austin, £11,628)
NERC cross-disciplinary research for Discovery Science
"AI-Powered Extreme Coastal Seastate Prediction" David Christie, Simon Neill, Jonathan Roberts £13.5k Jan 2023 – Mar 2023
INTERREG Atlantic Area
Integrate Aquaculture: an eco-innovative solution to foster sustainability in the Atlantic Area. J King and N Fenner. £90k to BU, total £2m. 2022-2023
NERC Discovery Science
ReAct: Revealing climate change activism and bias in environmental scientists. (PI: Emyr Martyn Roberts, Co-I: Yueng-Djern Lenn, Thora Tenbrink, Rob Ward, Josie Ryan). £20,000. 2023 (3 months).
TAITH Research Mobility Scheme
Using PIV in transparent clay flows to advance cohesive sediment dynamics research (JH Baas, JL Best). £4060. 2024
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
The role of oceanic nutrients on coral reef persistence through climate change. G Williams. £27,900. 2023 (5 months)
Hydrocarbon seepage linked to palaeo-glacial dynamics in the Eastern Irish Sea. PI: Katrien Van Landeghem. Co-I: Huws, Gandley, Kolawole and Walker-Springett (all Bangor) £98k (inc. VAT) – all to Bangor Uni. 2023 (6 months)
Welsh Government: Welsh Marine Evidence Framework
Benthic Impacts of Lobster Pots (L Clarke, N Hold, JG Hiddink). £25,000. 2023
Seas of Change project. January - June 2023. J. Webb, B. Winterbourn, J. Thorpe, K. Tuson, L. LeVay, S. Malham. £390K
The Impact of Climate Change on Whelk growth. (C Colvin, N Hold, P Robins, I McCarthey, S Malham). £368k. 2023-2024
Filling the Gap in crustacean evidence for English and Welsh FMPs. (N. Hold, J. Hiddink. Joint application with Seafish)
£861,571 (Bangor £757,617) 2023-2024
Welsh Government: Welsh Marine Evidence Framework
Welsh Lobster Larval Dispersal Model (P Robins, S Ward, L Gimenez, N Hold, S Malham). £20,200. 2023
The Impact of Pot Fishing on Seabed Ecosystems. Joint proposal with NRW, Welsh Fishermen’s Association and Welsh Government (L. Clarke, J. G. Hiddink). £300k
Cefas PATH-AI-FUTURE: Development of pre-emptive data-driven tools to predict the risk posed by Norovirus and AMR in coastal waters and entry into the food chain (D Jones, K Farkas, P Robins, D Chadwick, S Malham, R Williams. £372,393. Sept 2022, 19 months).
Mainstream Renewable Power
Seabed dynamics as a key consideration for renewable energy projects. PI: Katrien Van Landeghem. £272k (all to Bangor Uni). 2022-2023 (12 months).
NERC + The Crown Estate
ECOWind-ACCELERATE. Ecological implications of accelerated seabed mobility around windfarms. PI: Katrien Van Landeghem. Co-Is: Stuart Jenkins, James Waggitt, Line Cordes, Martin Austin, David Mills, Noel Bristow and Vahid Seydi (Bangor), Veerle Huvenne, Mike Clare, Lucy Bricheno, Andrew Gates (NOC), Richard Whitehouse, Connor McCarron (HR Wallingford), Laura Pettit, Lise Ruffino, Henk van Rein (JNCC), Mark Bolton, Ian Cleasby (RSPB), Jon Green (Liverpool), Karline Soetaert (NIOZ). £2.5M (£2M at 80% FEC, £1.16M to Bangor at 80% FEC). 2022-2026 (4 years).
Welsh Government: Welsh Marine Evidence Framework
Skate and Ray Stock Assessment (L Clarke, I McCarthy). £137k. 2022
FaSS and Seafish, Wessex Water, Othniel oysters
Detection of Norovirus - Assessing community prevalence and risk of shellfish contamination. October 2022 - December 2023. S. Malham, L. Levay, D. Jones, K. Farkas £120K
The Impact of Pot Fishing on Seabed Ecosystems. Joint proposal with NRW, Welsh Fishermen’s Association and Welsh Government (L. Clarke, J. G. Hiddink). £300k
BU Impact and Innovation Award
Maximising the Impact of Fisheries Research (C. Colvin, N. Hold, I. McCarthy, P. Rauwolf, L. Morris-Webb) £42,355, 2022-2023
Convex Seascape Survey
Ward, S., £245,615 to Bangor (led by University of Exeter and Blue Marine Foundation), 2022-2027.
EPSRC - Sustainable Urban Systems and Infrastructure
Reclaim: Reclaiming Forgotten Cities - Turning cities from vulnerable spaces to healthy places for people. A network. (P Kumar (U Surrey), L. Jones (UKCEH), T. Kjeldsen (U Bath), N. Calvillo U Warwick), S. Malham (BU). March 2022 - February 2024. £1.2M.
Wales Innovation Funding. Irish and Celtic Seas
Irish Sea Platform. Network building across the Irish and Celtic Seas. June 2022 - October 2022. S. Malham £50K
QUICCHE: Quantifying Inter-ocean fluxes in the Cape Cauldron Hotspot of Eddy Kinetic Energy. £300k for Bangor (Lenn, Y) and USD5.5 million for University of Miami and University of Rhode Island.
Bangor University Impact and Innovation Award
Mapping social inequality in flooding: Will future flooding predominantly happen in recreation areas and rich neighbourhoods? (Lewis M, Neill S and Robins P) £10,000
Bangor University Impact and Innovation Award
Cut off by tide: understanding the reasons why coastal users become exposed to risk. Joint proposal with RNLI (Austin, M.J. and Tenbrink, T) £10,000
Spatial Modelling and Sensitivity Mapping of Seabirds and Marine Mammals in UK Waters. Joint proposal with BIOSS, BTO,CEH, CREEM and Sea Watch Foundation (J.J Waggitt PI). £123000
Marine Scotland
Production of seabird and marine mammal distribution models for the east of Scotland. Joint proposal with CREEM and Sea Watch Foundation (J.J Waggitt Co-I). £8000
Wales Data Nation Accelerator (Welsh Government) – Sprint Award
Development of a cetacean classifier to support the study of Passive Acoustic Monitoring data used in the marine renewables sector in Wales. Noel Bristow, Vahid Seydi, Sudha Balaguru & Dave Mills. £30,857. January – March 2022.
BlueAdapt: Reducing climate based health risks in blue environments: Adapting to the climate change impacts on coastal pathogens. (D Jones, D Chadwick, S Malham, P Robins. 1,098,778 Euros, 4 years)
Seafood Innovation Fund
Use of underwater video and machine learning for monitoring of lobster stocks Bell, Porter, Jenkins et al; £21k to Bangor, Sept 2021-June 2022
Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
Use of new technology to address data deficiencies in assessment of static gear crustacean fisheries. Roach, Bremner, Jenkins et al; £26,486 to Bangor; March 2022-February 2024
NERC Standard Grant
SHEAR: The impact of the physical environment on the foraging energetics of shearwaters and the consequences for breeding success. £780K. Cordes L, Bishop C, Robins P, Waggit J, & Fernandes P. March 2022 – Feb 2025.
Wales Data Nation Accelerator (Welsh Government) – Sprint Award
X-band Radar – developing tools for wave and current analysis. David Christie and Simon Neill; £31,250. January – March 2022.
European Social Funds KESS2 MSc by research studentship
Lagrangian dispersal modelling: Developing a tool for a sustainable future. Demmer J, Neill SP, Lewis MJ; MSc (by research) studentship; £40k. October 2021 - September 2022.
Challenge Prize, Research Link Climate Change (British Council)
Mapping marine litter pathways and sea-level rise in Indonesia. £9795. Ward S, Christie D. October 2021 - February 2022.
Nature Networks Fund
SIARC (Sharks Inspiring Action and Research with Communities) £18,617 to Bangor. Robins P, Ward S. Led by ZSL. October 2021 – mid-2023.
What drives cold pulses at remote tropical reefs? Robins P, Green M, Williams G, Schindelegger M. October 2021 – March 2025.
Understanding responses of coastal seabirds to local and daily-scale meteorological variation. Waggitt JJ, Cordes L, Robins PE. October 2021 – March 2025.
INSITE PhD Scholarship Programme
Changes in the distribution and abundance of marine top-predators in the North Sea associated with present and future wind farm developments. Simon Neill and James Waggitt; £181,069. October 2021 – March 2025.
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
Native Oyster Aquaculture Research (NOAR). Malham, SK., Galley, TH., Jones, NE., Smyth, D., Farkas, K., LeVay, L. £360K. 2021 - 2023
Zoological Society London
“Modelling potential Angelshark distributions using eDNA sampling” - £6,259. Robins P, Ward S.
British Council
“Addressing Marine Plastic Waste as a Climate Change Adaptation Priority
in Indonesia” - £49,680. Smith T, Sugardjito J, Robins P. Spear M
NERC Digital Environmental Expert Network
Matt Lewis appointed to NERC Digital Environmental Expert Network (£10k to Bangor)
Bertarelli Foundation
Coral Reef Condition in the Chagos Archipelago. John Turner, Gareth Williams, Ronan Roche, Joydee Sannassy Pilly l. Covid extension of £119, 588 from Bertarelli Foundation, extending Bertarelli Programme in Marine Science project (£999,258 to Bangor, £2101,626 for collaborative project)
UKRI GCRF and Newton Fund.
Surveillance of wastewater and environmental water samples for SARS-COVID-2 and other viruses in South Africa and Nigeria: incidence and risks
Malham, Jones, McDonald, Farkas, Chigor (UN Nigeria), Ugwu (UN Nigeria), Ezeonu (UN Nigeria), Street (SA Medical Research Council), Johnson (SA Medical Research Council), Muller (SA Medical Research Council), Gaze (Exeter U). 2020 - 2022
ASSEMBLE Plus through H2020.
Going beyond associations: using prey availability to explain seabird habitat-use (PAVHAB).
Waggitt J J. Use of facilities at Institute of Marine Research (Azores, Portugal). 2021.
Bangor-GCRF Award internal fund.
A relocatable method to resolve and mitigate marine plastic waste.
Robins, Hiddink, Neill, Skov, Lewis, Spear. £39,500
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Evidence and Research Needs (BEERN) Programme.
The development of remote monitoring tools for Atlantic Puffin populations in North Wales.
Waggitt J J. £1000. 2021
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, Isle of Man
Independent Fisheries Science Advice
Jenkins SR, Hiddink JG, McCarthy ID, Le Vay L, Shepperson J; Sept 2020-Aug 2024
NERC – SE Asia Plastics
South East Asia MArine Plastics (SEAmap): Reduction, Control and Mitigation of Marine Plastic Pollution in the Philippines. Neill SP, Hiddink JG, Robins PE, Lewis MJ, Skov MW, Dunn CP (School of Natural Sciences), Taboada E (University of San Carlos, Philippines); £708,034. October 2020 – September 2023.
EPSRC Supergen ORE Flexible Funding
V-SCORES (Validating Surface Currents at Offshore Renewable Energy Sites)
Williamson B (UHI), Reeve D (Swansea), Lewis M (Bangor), Neill S.P. (Bangor). £15,696 (to Bangor) Oct. 2020 - Sept. 2021.
NERC. SWOT-UK (NE/V009109/1:NE/V009168/1)
The UK contribution to validating SWOT in the Bristol Channel and River Severn, with application to coastal and river management. Gommenginger C (NOC) and Bates P (Bristol), Horburgh K (NOC), Lewis MJ (Bangor) Neill S (Bangor), Calafat F (NOC) Bell P (NOC) Brown J (NOC) Neal J (Bristol) Martin A (NOC) Amoudry L (NOC). £283,026@FeC (£47,921 to Bangor) Aug. 20 - Jul. 22.
EPSRC Supergen ORE Flexible Funding
Cable scour from fluid-seabed interactions at offshore renewable energy sites
Austin MJ, Van Landeghem K, Whitehouse, R (HR Wallingford), Amelia Couldrey (HR Wallingford). £99,046. Oct. 2020 – Sep. 2021
NERC UK Climate Resilience Programme
Sensitivity of Estuaries to Climate Hazards (SEARCH).
Robins PE, Lewis MJ et al. £195,737. Aug 2020 – Oct. 2022.
Viral dark matter: The emergence and distribution of human and animal viruses in Nigerian waters – Part B.
Farkas K, Robins PE. £33,718. July 2020 – Oct. 2020.
People's Postcode Lottery, Postcode Dream Trust
The Wild Oysters Project. Led by the Zoological Society of London, Blue Marine Foundation and British Marine. Lewis Le Vay, Maria Hayden-Hughes. £300k, total £1.18M. Jun 2020- Nov 2023.
National COVID-19 Wastewater Epidemiology Surveillance Programme (NWESP).
Singer A (PI @ CEH), Jones D, Farkas K, Robins PE, Golyshin P, et al. £90,114. June 2020 – Sept. 2021.
Pathways to Realistic Impact Modelling in Estuarine Areas (PRIMEA).
Robins PE, Neill SP, Lewis MJ et al. Oct 2020 – Oct. 2023.
KESS2-East/Sefton Council PhD
TBA (Coastal morphology of Liverpool Bay).
Austin M, Van Landeghem K, Robins PE. Oct. 2020 – Apr. 2023.
KESS2-East/Dwr Cymru Welsh Water PhD
Predicting future compound hazards of coastal flooding.
Robins PE, Malham S, Jones D, Lewis MJ. Apr. 2020 – Apr. 2023.
Welsh Government
National Research Network for Low Carbon, Energy and Environment (NRN-LCEE). Thomas, DN; £174 K; July 2020 -March 2023
Eurofleets+ through H2020
Using energy landscapes to explain habitat-use of seabirds (SENERGY). Waggitt JJ. Use of RV Arni Freidrickson at Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (Iceland). 2020
BES Small Grant
Do intermittent meteorological events disrupt the foraging routines of coastal seabirds? Waggitt JJ. £5000
National Geographic Exploration Grant
Project title: “Path of least resistance: fluid energyscapes of seabirds”. Cordes, L. $28,048
EPSRC SUPERGEN Early Career Research Fund
Going where modern technology cannot: novel adaptions of conventional approaches to record seabird behaviour and fish communities in tidal stream environments. Waggitt JJ (Bangor) and Fraser SJ (UHI). £9246
Bangor-Cemlyn Jones PhD
Coastal flooding: Using historical records to mitigate future risk.
Robins PE, Skov M, Lewis MJ. Nov. 2019 – Jan. 2023.
European Social Funds KESS2 MSc by research studentship
Wind-driven sea surface currents. Neill SP, Robins PE, Lewis MJ; MSc (by research) studentship; £15k. October 2019 - September 2020
PRIMaRE Short Research Visit Grant
Development of methods for ecological studies in tidal stream environments. Waggitt JJ (Bangor) and Fraser SJ (UHI). 2020. £500
Sêr Cymru II - MSCA COFUND Fellowship for Paula de Barra.
KESS East PhD: Using novel methods to improve risk assessments of renewable energy development for marine predators. Waggitt, Hiddink, Bond
Sêr Cymru COFUND Fellowship
Saltmarsh landscape effects on fisheries production. Hiddink, Skov. £42k
Lundy Field Society Grant.
Exploring the relative influence of tidal currents and weather patterns on cetacean presence at Lundy Island, Bristol Channel. Waggitt J.J. £500. 2020
ASSEMBLE Plus through H2020.
Seasonality in seabird associations and responses to oceanography in coastal environments (SEASONBIRD). Waggitt J J. Use of facilities at Toralla Marine Science Station (Vigo, Spain). 2020
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Evidence and Research Needs (BEERN) Programme.
Documenting breeding behaviour on an expanding and understudied colony of seabirds – Middle Mouse, Anglesey. Waggitt J J. £1000. 2020.
European Regional Development Fund
Smart Efficient Energy Centre (SEEC) (£7M) Simon Neill (School of Ocean Sciences), Iestyn Pierce (School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering) & Graham Ormondroyd (The BioComposite Centre). 2019-2023.
Dispersal of microplastics in the marine environment. Simon Neill, Peter Robins & Matt Lewis; October 2019 - March 2023
ASSEMBLE Plus through H2020.
Scaling-laws in coastal seabird distributions: understanding the relative influence of tidal and meteorological processes (TIMETBIRD). Waggitt JJ (Bangor) and Fraser SJ (UHI). Use of facilities at Toralla Marine Science Station (Vigo, Spain). July 2019.
European Regional Development Fund
Shellfish Centre (£3.9M) Le Vay, Malham, Robins, King, D. Jones, J McDonald, McCarthy. 2018-2021
European Maritime & Fisheries Fund
Menai Offshore Subsurface Shellfish Systems (£750k) Le Vay, Malham, Robins, King. 2018-2021
SEAFISH, Food Standards Agency, EMFF
Developing an assurance scheme for shellfish and human health (SEAFISH, £419k) Malham,, Le Vay, Robins, D. Jones, J McDonald, L Jones (CEH), Cooper (CEH) 2019-2020
BSG Early Career Researcher Grant
Can plant communities engineer saltmarsh morphology to build resilience? Ladd CJT £4.2k. March 2019 - March 2020
NERC Highlight Topic
Microbial hitch-hikers of marine plastics: The survival, persistence & ecology of microbial communities in the Plastisphere. Peter Golyshin, Davey Jones, David Thomas, Peter Robins and Bela Paizs. £1.5M (£479K to Bangor). February 2019 - January 2023
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
Fisher-Scientist Partnership for Sustainable Fisheries Wales. McCarthy, I., Hold, N., LeVay, L., Hiddink, J., Jenkins, S., Heenan, A. £1.32M. February 2019 - December 2022
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
Innovation in video and electronic fisheries data. McCarthy, I., Hold, N., Hiddink, J. and Aberystwyth University £145,261. March 2019 - March 2021
NERC Standard Grant
Milankovitch and Tidal Cycle History (MATCH). Green, JAM, Waltham, D. £570k (£320k to Bangor). June 2019 - December 2022.
NERC Highlight Topic
Artificial Light Impacts on Coastal Ecosystems (ALICE). Davies T, Jenkins SR, Gimenez G, Cordes L et al. £1.7M (£794k to Bangor). May 2019 - April 2023
PRIMaRE Short Research Visit Grant
Identifying consistencies in animals' use of tidal stream environments to inform environmental impact assessments. Waggitt JJ (Bangor), Bond J (Bangor) and Fraser SJ (UHI). 2019. £1200
Joint Seafish, EMFF, Food Standards Agency funding
Developing an assurance scheme for shellfish and human health (DASSHH) project. Phase 1 of a larger project. Shelagh Malham, Lewis LeVay, Peter Robins, et al. working with CEH Bangor. November 2018 - March 2020. £42,904
ASSEMBLE Plus through H2020
Combining Topographical and Current information to identify important foraging habitats for Seabirds across coastal environments (TOCUBIRD). Waggitt JJ (Bangor) and Fraser SJ (UHI). Use of facilities at Instutute Of Marine Research (Azores, Portugal) and Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Naples, Italy). March - April 2019.
European Regional Development Funds
MEECE (Marine Energy Engineering Centre of Excellence). Simon Neill. £614k (part of a £5M multi-partner grant led by Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult). January 2019 - August 2022.
NERC Changing Arctic Ocean
€800k "Primary Production driven by escalating Arctic nutrient fluxes?". PI Lenn, Co-I Rippeth. PDRA Ben Lincoln.
SMARTExpertise 2014-2020
SustaiNable Aquariums Project (SNAP). King JW, Jones NJE, Galley TH,. £771,423 (£384,735 to Bangor). July 2018 - June 2021
ESRC IAA Impact Project Grant
Improved Arctic Ocean forecasting. Amount: £3,230. Rippeth (PI). 1st September 2018 - 31st January 2019
£17,974. Remote Sensing of renewable energy resource. Lewis (PI), Neill and Robins (Co-I). 2018 - 2019
Postdoctoral fellowship £364,293. Improving Methods of Characterising Resource, Interactions and Conditions for Marine Renewable Energy (METRIC). Lewis (PI). 2018 - 2021
£110,967. Combination Hazard of Extreme rainfall, storm Surge & high Tide on estuarine infrastructure (CHEST). PI (Coulthard), Robins and Lewis (Co-I). 2018 - 2019
ESRC IAA Impact Project Grant.
Shellfish Sustainability. Malham S.K. (Project investigator and lead); LeVay, L. Jones, D. McDonald, J. (Co-investigators). £16,241. July - December 2018
ESRC IAA Impact Project Award
Biodiversity Action Plans for the Chagos Archipelago, British Indian Ocean Territory. Turner, J.R. (Principal Investigator & Project Lead); Roche, R. (Co-investigator). £13,692. July 2018 - December 2018
Bangor University ECR Award
Changing tides: implications of palaeo- and future tidal-range changes in eastern Canada. Ward SL, £1,500. May - August 2018
EMFF MARine MAnagement: Tool for evaluating conservation Evidence: (MARMATE)
£104,618 Hiddink and Kaiser. May 2018 - March 2020
EMFF Scallop fisheries in the English Channel
£130k. Hiddink and Kaiser. January 2018 - December 2019
EMFF Adaptive approach to MPA Management Project
£74k. Hiddink and Kaiser. April 2018 - March 2020
ASSEMBLE Plus through H2020
Ship time on RV Oceanograf in Gdansk Bay. In kind, ~£100k. Hiddink. Summer 2018
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
Sea Bass Fisheries Conservation UK. McCarthy ID. £30k. April 2018 - March 2020
Subcontract on a larger EMFF award to Cefas
ASSEMBLE Plus through H2020
Quantifying seabird use of tidal stream environments in the Ria De Vigo, north-western Spain. Waggitt JJ.
Use of facilities at Toralla Marine Science Station (Vigo, Spain). June 2018.
Ice-ocean interaction: effects of climate change on Antarctic ice-shelf dynamics. Green, JAM, Lenn, YD (Bangor), Gudmundson, HG (Northumbria), Jenkins, A (BAS); October 2018 - March 2022
National Overseas Scholarship (India) PhD studentship
Earth system consequences of collapsing ice-sheets. Green, JAM (Bangor). £120k. September 2018 - August 2022
NRN-LCEE: Returning Fellowship
Coupled marine ecosystem modelling, with application to the Welsh marine renewable energy sector. Ward, SL; £6k. February 2018 - December 2018
NRN-LCEE visiting Bursary
£1450. Coupled modelling and Met Office collaboration. Lewis (PI). 2017-2018
£4500. Future of Estuaries workshop. Lewis (PI), Robins (Co-I). 2017
ESRC Impact Acceleration Account
Implementing methodologies for the assessment of the state of the seabed. Hiddink. £1395
Newton Fund (Institutional Links Award with British Council and FAPESP, Brazil)
Coastal biodiversity and public policies: methodologies and actions to integrate stakeholders. Jenkins SR, Christofoletti RA, St. John FAV, Martins F. £120k. April 2017 - March 2019
WEFO: Ser Cymru II Fellowship
Artificial Light Impacts on the Encroachment of Invasive Species (ALIENS) Appointed Fellow Dr Tom Davies in association with Stuart Jenkins. £171k. October 2017- September 2020
FAPESP, Brazil.
The strength of ecological interactions and environmental mediation on coastal ecosystems Jenkins SR et al £45k. August 2017-July 2019
Food and Drink Wales.
A celebration of the cooked oyster. Jonathan King £5k. September 2017
Shelf sea biogeochemistry trawling impacts synthesis £2.5k. Hiddink
Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND Fellowship.
Marine Ecosystem Trophic References and Indicators for assessing system Condition and Status (METRICs). £316k Appointed Fellow: Dr Adel Heenan; Supervisor: Dr Gareth Williams
Interreg Atlantic Area Programme
COCKLES (Boosting Co-operation and integration of Capacities for applying Knowledge and mutual Learning in Restoring Cockle Shellfisheries and its related Ecosystem-Services in the Atlantic Area). Shelagh Malham, Peter Robins, Luis Gimenez, et al £347K to Bangor. October 17 - September 20
NERC Environmental Risks to Infrastructure Innovation Programme
Combination hazard of extreme rainfall, storm surge & high tide on estuarine infrastructure (CHEST). Tom Coulthard, Peter Robins and Matt Lewis. £39k. November 2017 - August 2018
Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd
A strategic regional Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme for assessing the population consequences of constructing the BOWL and MORL Wind Farm Developments Line Cordes £16k. 2017 - 2019.
Bertarelli Foundation
Coral Reef Condition in the Chagos Archipelago. John Turner, Gareth Williams, Ronan Roche et al (1.8 m USD - 886,695 USD to Bangor - and part of a 4 m USD series of multi-partner projects on Chagos reefs which also includes Australian Institute of Marine Science, Lancaster and Stanford).
Marine Stewardship Council
Determining quantitative habitat impact in Marine Stewardship Council assessments. Mike Kaiser, January Hiddink; £153k. March 2017 - September 2019
INTERREG Ireland-Wales Programme
ECOSTRUCTURE: climate change adaptation through ecologically sensitive coastal infrastructure. Jenkins SR, Davies AD, Neill SP, Robins PE; £774k (part of £3.5 million multi-partner grant). June 2017- November 2020
Widening our view of the reef: the landscape ecology of disturbance and recovery on Pacific coral reefs. Williams GJ, Healey J et al. October 2017- March 2021
Functional changes in coral reef marine protected areas. Graham NAJ (Lancaster), Williams GJ (Bangor). October 2017- March 2021
Measurable metrics for the characterisation of large-scale turbulent structures in tidal races for the marine tidal energy industry. Austin MJ, Rippeth TP, Green, JAM; £178k. July 2017 - June 2018
NRN-LCEE: Fellowship writing grant
Characterisation of large-scale turbulent structures with application to the marine renewable energy industry. Austin MJ, Rippeth TP, Green, JAM; £9k. March 2017 - April 2017
European Social Funds KESS2 Phd studentship
Identification of measurable metrics for characterisation of marine turbulence in tidal races.
Austin MJ, Rippeth TP, Green, JAM; £52k. March 2017 - February 2020. (In partnership with Nortek)
INTERREG Ireland -Wales Programme
Irish Sea Portal Pilot (ISPP) Shelagh Malham, Peter Robins, Lewis LeVay et al: £620k (part of 1.4 m euros with BIM in Ireland). January 2017 - September 2018
INTERREG Ireland-Wales Programme
Bluefish (Building Resilience into Blue Growth in the Irish and Celtic Seas Fisheries and Aquaculture) Shelagh Malham, Peter Robins, Lewis LeVay, Mike Kaiser et al £1,4m (Part of 6.6m euros multipartner). January 2017 - Dec 2020
Food Standards Agency
Desk based study: Active Management of Shellfisheries. Shelagh Malham, Peter Robins, Lewis LeVay et al £28k. January 2017 - April 2017
European Social Funds KESS2
Balancing commercial seed mussel harvest and shorebird conservation. Cordes L, Hiddink JG; £52k. January 2017 - Dec 2020; (In partnership with Myti Mussels).
How can we maximise the benefits from living marine natural capital? Hiddink JG, Kaiser MJ. £26k (part of £0.5 million multi-partner grant). January 2017 - May 2018
Cumulative Impacts and the Management of Marine Ecosystems Hiddink JG, Kaiser. £62k (part of £0.5 million multi-partner grant). January 2017 - May 2018
Fellowship writing grant: Science to underpin sustainable fisheries in Welsh waters. Kaiser MJ; £6k. May 2017 - August 2017
Demographic consequences of variation in individual foraging strategies of northern fulmars. Cordes LS, Bishop C (Bangor), Thompson P (Aberdeen). October 2017 - March 2021
European Social Funds KESS2 PhD studentship
Modelling the distribution and habitat impacts of an expanding roe deer population in Wales.
Shannon GS, Healey J, Cordes LS; MRes studentship; £14k. November 2016 - November 2017
European Social Funds KESS2 PhD studentship
Valuing the ecosystem services provided by shellfish aquaculture. Shelagh Malham, Lewis LeVay, Laurence Jones (CEH), Mike Christie (AU), Andrew Olivier (PhD student). £52,000. October 2016 - 2019
Research Development Fund: Grant proposal development award. (Robins P, Lewis M, Neill S) £5,000.
Research Development Fund: Grant proposal development award. (Lewis M, Robins P, Neill S) £5k
Research Development Fund: Tidal Lagoon Workshop. (Neill S, Lewis M, Robins P) £10k
European Social Funds KESS2 PhD studentship
Simulating variability of North Wales mussel populations. Neill SP, Robins PE, Malham SK; £53k. 2015 - 2018 (In partnership with Extra Mussel).