UK Recruitment and Marketing Department Privacy Notice

How do we use your data?

Your data is important to us. The information you provide will only be processed in accordance with current legislation and this Privacy Notice. The nature in which we use your data depends on your relationship with Bangor University. We’ve categorised our different relationships below.


You are an enquirer if you have requested a prospectus via our website.

Before submitting your information in our prospectus request form your attention will have been drawn to this Privacy Notice. By submitting your information you are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Notice and confirming that you are over the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13 please ask a parent or guardian to request a prospectus on your behalf.

Why do you want my data and how will you use it?

When you request a Bangor University prospectus via our website we ask for your personal information for the following reasons:

1. In order to fulfil your request and send you a prospectus.

2. In order to send you further information relevant to your interest in studying at Bangor.

3. We may also use your data to gain an insight into the age, geographical location and subject preference of individuals that may be interested in studying at Bangor.

Enquirers can unsubscribe from our communications at any time. You also have further rights relating to your data which can be found here.

What is your lawful basis for processing my data?

We will send you a prospectus under the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest. By submitting our prospectus request form you would reasonably expect us to use your data to send you a prospectus, and sending you our prospectus is in both your interest and ours. Our Legitimate Interests include commercial and business interests, and it is in your interest to learn more about studying at Bangor University in order to consider making an application. Depending on the type of prospectus you have requested, the prospectus will be sent by either post or email.

At the bottom of our prospectus request form we will also ask for your Consent to send additional information about studying at Bangor University. Any follow-up communications will be tailored to you and your interest in studying at Bangor University.  

We will invite you to give consent for us to communicate with you by Email, Post, SMS and Phone. Currently, the vast majority of our follow-up communications are by email. You will be able to opt-out of these communications at any time.

How long will you use my data?

We will only use your data to communicate with you up to the entry point in which you’re interested or for up to 90 days after we receive your data. If your point of entry is not specified, we will either judge your likely entry term according to the data supplied (for example your school year) or assume you are interested in the next entry term. We may use your non-identifiable information for anonymised reporting beyond this point.

Who will my data be shared with?

Your data may be shared with other departments and academic Schools within Bangor University. This would be solely for the following purposes:

1. To consider, process and respond to any enquiry you make about Bangor University.

2. To communicate with you about Bangor University.

3. For research purposes based on the age, geographical location and subject preference of those interested in studying at Bangor University. 

Any Bangor University departments and academic Schools that receive a copy of your data will process it in accordance with this Privacy Notice and Bangor University’s Data Protection Policy.

Sharing your data with third parties

Your data may be shared with third party service providers, but only for the purpose of considering and processing your request, communicating with you about Bangor University and conducting research on the age range, geographical location and subject(s) of interest of those interested in studying at Bangor. Any third party providers will adhere to Bangor University’s Data Protection Policy and your data will only be used as described here.

We will never sell, rent, lease or share your information in any way that is incompatible with this Privacy Notice.

What are my rights in respect of my data?

You have the right to request that we stop processing your data for communication purposes. If you would like us to stop using your data for communication purposes please contact us on the details given in our emails or correspondence.

You also have other rights relating to our use of your data which you can find here.

You are a lead if your information came to us:

1. Via a specific campaign data capture form hosted on our website.

2. As a result of your attendance at an exhibition or event where our representatives were present and your data was given to us (such as a recruitment fair).

3. From a third party website (an example of this may be WhatUni, which hosts a number of Bangor University profiles wherein you can register an interest in Bangor).

4. From a trusted partner, such as a recruitment agent.

If you provided us with your information via a campaign data capture form on our website, you will have been notified of this Privacy Notice before submitting the form. By submitting the form you are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Notice. In submitting your information via one of our campaign data capture forms you agree that you are over the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13 please ask a parent or guardian to complete the form on your behalf.

For all leads that have been provided to us via a third-party, you will have been provided with a link to this Privacy Notice in our first email communication with you and in every communication thereafter.

Why do you want my data and how will you use it?

If you completed one of our campaign data capture forms on our website, this is because you would like further information about Bangor University. If your data was provided to us by a third party, this is because you have demonstrated an interest in Bangor University. We will process your data for the following reasons:

1. In order to fulfil any requests you may have made in your initial interaction with us or the third party that has collected your data on our behalf, such as to send you our prospectus, and / or any further information about studying at Bangor University.

2. We may also use your data to gain an insight into the age, geographical location and subject preference of individuals that may be interested in studying at Bangor.

Leads can unsubscribe from our communications at any time. You also have further rights relating to your data which can be found here.

What is your lawful basis for processing my data?

If you completed a campaign data capture form on our website, we will process your data on the basis of Consent.

If your data was provided to us by a third party, we will process your data on the basis of Consent and / or Legitimate Interest. In your initial interaction with the third party or our representative, you will have given consent for them to provide us with your details. By providing them with your data you would reasonably expect us to use your information to communicate with you about studying at Bangor University – this is in both your interest and ours. Our Legitimate Interests include commercial and business interests, and it is in your interest to learn more about studying at Bangor University in order to consider making an application.

How long will you use my data?

We will only use your data to communicate with you up to the entry point in which you’re interested or for up to 90 days after we receive your data. If your point of entry is not specified, we will either judge your likely entry term according to the data supplied (for example your school year) or assume you are interested in the next entry term. We may use your non-identifiable information for anonymised reporting beyond this point.

Who will my data be shared with?

Your data may be shared with other departments and academic Schools within Bangor University. This would be solely for the following purposes:

1. To consider, process and respond to any enquiry / request for information you make of Bangor University.

2. To communicate with you about Bangor University.

3. For research purposes based on the age, geographical location and subject preference of those interested in studying at Bangor University. 

Any Bangor University departments and academic Schools that receive a copy of your data will process it in accordance with this Privacy Notice and Bangor University’s Data Protection Policy.

Sharing your data with third parties

Your data may be shared with third party service providers, but only for the purpose of considering and processing your request, communicating with you about Bangor University and conducting research on the age range, geographical location and subject(s) of interest of those interested in studying at Bangor. Any third party providers will adhere to Bangor University’s Data Protection Policy and your data will only be used as described here.

We will never sell, rent, lease or share your information in any way that is incompatible with this Privacy Notice.

What are my rights in respect of my data?

You have the right to request that we stop processing your data for communication purposes. If you would like us to stop using your data for communication purposes please contact us on the details given in our emails or correspondence.

You also have other rights relating to our use of your data which you can find here.

You are an Open Day, Campus & Accommodation Tour or Clearing Visit Day Registrant if you have registered to attend one of these events either via our website or in person on the day.

Those requesting a personal visit will have contacted us via email or telephone to arrange a visit to the University at a time other than during an organised event. This visit will have been arranged uniquely for you.

If you registered online for one of our events your attention will have been drawn to this Privacy Notice before submitting your registration. In submitting your registration you agree to the terms of our Privacy Notice and confirm that you are over the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13 please ask a parent or guardian to register for the event on your behalf.

If you contacted us to arrange a personal visit via email or telephone your attention will have been drawn to this Privacy Notice at the earliest opportunity.

Why do you want my data and how will you use it?

When you register for one of our events or request a personal visit we ask you for your personal information for the following reasons:

1. In order to make sure that we can accommodate you and your guests on the day.

2. To send you information specifically about the event / visit.

3. We may also use your data to gain an insight into the age, geographical location and subject preference of individuals that register to attend our events / request a visit.

You will be able to unsubscribe from our communications at any time. You also have further rights relating to your data which can be found here.

What is your lawful basis for processing my data?

We will send you information specifically about the event for which you registered or your visit under the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest. By registering for our event or requesting a personal visit you would reasonably expect us to use your data to send you information about that event / visit, and this is in both your interest and ours. Our Legitimate Interests include commercial and business interests, and it is in your interest to know about the arrangements for the event / visit in order to attend.

When registering for our Open Day we will also ask for your Consent to send additional information about studying at Bangor University. Any follow-up communications will be tailored to you and your interest in studying at Bangor University. You will be able to opt-out of these communications at any time.

How long will you use my data?

We will only use your data to communicate with you for up to two weeks after the event for which you registered / your personal visit.

If you registered to attend an Open Day and consented to us sending you additional information about studying at Bangor University, we will communicate with you up to the entry term following the year in which the Open Day is held. For example, if you register for an Open Day that is held in 2018 we will assume that you are interested in studying at Bangor in 2019. We will not use your data for communication purposes beyond September 2019.   

We may use your non-identifiable information for anonymised reporting beyond this point.

What if I choose to provide you with information about a disability or special need relating to myself or one of my party?

This information is categorised as Special Category data and will be dealt with according to current legislation. This information will be processed under the basis of Consent and for the explicit purpose of making sure we accommodate your or your party members’ needs during the event for which you registered / your personal visit. This information will only be shared with other departments or academic Schools within Bangor University for the purpose of making arrangements to accommodate you on the day. This information will not be stored by us beyond the date of the event / your visit.

Who will my data be shared with?

Your data may be shared with other departments and academic Schools within Bangor University. This would be solely for the following purposes:

1. To process and respond to your registration to attend one of our events or your request to visit the University.

2. To consider, process and respond to any enquiry you make about Bangor University.

3. To communicate with you about Bangor University.

4. For research purposes based on the age, geographical location and subject preference of those interested in studying at Bangor University. 

Any Bangor University departments and academic Schools that receive a copy of your data will process it in accordance with this Privacy Notice and Bangor University’s Data Protection Policy.

Sharing your data with third parties

Your data may be shared with third party service providers, but only for the purpose of considering and processing your request, communicating with you about Bangor University and conducting research on the age range, geographical location and subject(s) of interest of those interested in studying at Bangor. Any third party providers will adhere to Bangor University’s Data Protection Policy and your data will only be used as described here.

We will never sell, rent, lease or share your information in any way that is incompatible with this Privacy Notice.

What are my rights in respect of my data?

You have the right to request that we stop processing your data for communication purposes. If you would like us to stop using your data for communication purposes please contact us on the details given in our emails or correspondence.

You also have other rights relating to our use of your data which you can find here.

You are an applicant if you have applied to study at Bangor University.

Your application may have been made directly through the University, via a third party such as UCAS or through one of our official agents / representatives.

Applicants will be notified of this Privacy Notice in the first communication they receive from Marketing, Recruitment and Communications and in every communication thereafter.

Why do you want my data and how will you use it?

When you apply to study at Bangor University we ask you for your personal information for the following reasons:

1. In order to assess and process your application.

2. In order to keep you informed about your application and provide you with information about studying at Bangor University.

3. We may also use your data to gain an insight into the age, geographical location and subject preference of individuals that apply to study at Bangor.

Our communications with applicants are relevant only to their application and studying at Bangor, and include important information such as how to apply for accommodation and how to register for your course. If you would no longer like to receive communications relating to your application at Bangor University, please contact, quoting your Bangor University reference number (this will be on all emails your receive from us). You also have further rights relating to your data which can be found here.

What is your lawful basis for processing my data?

We will process your data under the lawful bases of Contract and Legitimate Interest.

You have asked us to consider your application before entering into a Contract with you and processing your personal data is necessary for this pre-contract stage. We will use your data to communicate with you about your application and studying at Bangor under the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest. Communications relating to your application and studying at Bangor are in both your interest and ours. Our Legitimate Interests include commercial and business interests, and it is in your interest to learn more about studying at Bangor University before entering into a contract to study here.

How long will you use my data?

We will only use your data to communicate with you for as long as we hold a current application from you. If you decide to withdraw your application, or we decide not to offer you a place at Bangor University, we will stop communicating with you.

The only exception to this is for undergraduate applicants that choose to decline our offer. We may contact you with information specifically about Clearing in case you would like to consider Bangor University as a Clearing choice. This will be done on the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest. If you have shown an initial interest in studying at Bangor University it is reasonable to assume you may still be interested in studying here should you find yourself looking for a place in Clearing.

We may use your non-identifiable information for anonymised reporting beyond this point.

Who will my data be shared with?

Your data may be shared with other departments and academic Schools within Bangor University. This would be solely for the following purposes:

1. To consider, process and respond to your application to study at Bangor University.

2. To consider, process and respond to any enquiry you make about Bangor University.

3. To communicate with you about Bangor University.

4. For research purposes based on the age, geographical location and subject preference of those interested in studying at Bangor University. 

Any Bangor University departments and academic Schools that receive a copy of your data will process it in accordance with this Privacy Notice and Bangor University’s Data Protection Policy.

Sharing your data with third parties

Your data may be shared with third party service providers, but only for the purpose of considering and processing your request, communicating with you about Bangor University and conducting research on the age range, geographical location and subject(s) of interest of those interested in studying at Bangor. Any third party providers will adhere to Bangor University’s Data Protection Policy and your data will only be used as described here.

We will never sell, rent, lease or share your information in any way that is incompatible with this Privacy Notice.

What are my rights in respect of my data?

You have the right to request that we stop processing your data for communication purposes. If you would like us to stop using your data for communication purposes please contact us on the details given in our emails or correspondence.

You also have other rights relating to our use of your data which you can find here.

Current Students are registered with Bangor University at the time we collect their information. You will be informed about how we use your data and this Privacy Notice at the point of collection. By providing us with your information, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Notice.

Why do you want my data and how will you use it?

We may invite current students to share their data with us so that we can inform them about any paid or voluntary work within our department, such as assisting us with Open Days, photoshoots or focus groups. We may invite you to take part in surveys. The survey will note whether your responses will be identifiable, confidential or otherwise. 

We will also invite current and sometimes past students to provide their information, including images, in written or video profiles. These profiles could be used to promote the University on our website, in printed publications, on social media channels and elsewhere. The profiles could also be used to promote Bangor University on third party websites, publications and media channels.

To contact you as a student who may be interested in postgraduate opportunities at Bangor University which will include the marketing of postgraduate courses

What is your lawful basis for processing my data?

We process your data under the lawful basis of Consent and Legitimate Interest. By providing us with your details you consent to and would reasonably expect us to contact you about work opportunities relating to our department. This is in both your interest and ours. Our interests include commercial and business interests and your interests will include gaining practical work experience and financial reward.

How long will you use my data?

Students who have provided their details for potential work opportunities: We will keep your data for no longer than three years.

Students who have provided information for a written or video profile: We will retain your data and profile information for seven years.

Who will my data be shared with?

Students who have provided their details for potential work opportunities: 

Your data may be shared with colleagues within the Marketing, Recruitment and Communications department for the purposes specified above. If you decide to contribute responses to a survey your responses may be shared with other departments in the University.

If you decide to work as a student guide during our Open Day events your telephone number may be passed on to other students working on that event in order to facilitate the day’s arrangements. The reasons for this will be explained to you before the day we will ask for your consent before sharing your details.

Students who have provided information for a written or video profile:

Where relevant your data and the information given in your profile may be shared with colleagues across the University. Your information, including any imagery, may be published on our website, in publications, on social media channels or elsewhere where we would reasonably be expected to promote the University. If there is any information you would not like to be made public, please do not provide it in your written / video profile. 

Your information may also be shared with third party agencies working on behalf of Bangor University. Your information will always be used in accordance with current legislation and this Privacy Notice.

UniQuest in relation to conversion activities with prospective students and marketing of postgraduate courses to registered students

What are my rights in respect of my data?

Students who have provided their details for potential work opportunities: 

You have the right to request that we stop processing your data for communication purposes. If you would like us to stop using your data for communication purposes please contact us on the details given in our emails or correspondence.

Students who have provided information for a written or video profile:

You have the right to request that we stop using your written / video profile. If you would like us to stop processing your information / using your written / video profile please contact us on the details given on your consent form. 

You also have other rights relating to our use of your data which you can find here.

The University holds a number of education liaison events for children and young people of varying ages. We will advise you of how we use your data and this Privacy Notice at the point of collecting your information. By providing us with your / your child’s information, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Notice.

Events for children under the age of 16

These events include Maths Masterclasses and Science Revision Courses. For children / young people under the age of 16 we will always collect parental consent to use your data.

Why do you want my data and how will you use it?

We collect the details of children / young people that would like to attend one of our events so that we can plan the event accordingly. Parental consent forms are sent to schools where they are circulated amongst pupils. If a parent/guardian wishes their child take part in one of our events they should complete this form and send it back to us.

Following the event we may report on the number of attendees, their age range, sex and where they are from. We will not use any personal identifiable information in our reporting.

Parents / guardians will be made aware of how we use their child’s data and this Privacy Notice through the Parental Consent Form.

What is your lawful basis for processing my data?

We will process this data under the lawful basis of Consent.

How long will you use my data?

Your data will be deleted within three months of attending the event.

Who will my data be shared with?

Your personal identifiable data will not be shared with anyone other than colleagues within this department.

Information relating to the wider categories of attendees at these events, such as sex, age and where attendees are from, may be shared with other University departments, the Welsh Government and The Royal Institution.

Events for young people over the age of 16

These events include Summer Schools, Mature Student Advice and Information Days and Welsh Baccalaureate Conferences.

Why do you want my data and how will you use it?

We ask for your information so that we can plan the event. We are provided with your data in one of two ways:

1. Your information is passed on to us by your school / college. We will send an application form to you, addressed to your school / college, and you can choose whether to apply for one of our events.

2. You may have heard about one of our events and decided to turn up on the day. During the event we may ask you to register your details with us.

Your information will only be used for the purpose of planning and evaluating our event(s). Following the event we may report on the number of attendees, their age range, sex and where they are from. We will not use any personal identifiable information in our reporting.

The application form / registration form will contain information about how we use your data and a link to this Privacy Notice.

What is your lawful basis for processing my data?

We will process this data under the lawful basis of Consent.

How long will you use my data?

Your data will be deleted within three years of attending an event. We retain your information for this period in order to see whether you eventually choose to study at Bangor University.

Who will my data be shared with?

Your personal identifiable data will not be shared with anyone other than colleagues within this department.

Information relating to the wider categories of attendees at these events and the number of attendees that go on to become applicants or students of Bangor University may be shared with other University departments.

What are my rights in respect of my data?

You have the right to request that we stop processing your data for communication purposes. If you would like us to stop using your data for communication purposes please contact us on the details given in our emails or correspondence.

You also have other rights relating to our use of your data which you can find here.