Welcome to the School of Arts, Culture and Language. As a new student, you are on one of the most transformative journeys of your life and we are delighted that you will be joining us at Bangor University as you embark on the next stage in your education. The new academic year will be here before you know it and we hope you are getting excited about starting your degree with us.
This academic school is home to the following subject areas:
- Creative Writing and Professional Writing
- Drama, Theatre and Performance
- English Literature
- English Language
- Film, Media and Journalism
- Modern Languages and Cultures
- Linguistics
- Music
This is an exciting time for you - full of new people, places and experiences. Studying at university is an opportunity to make great memories, life-long friends and gain a degree that will enhance your prospects in any number of career pathways. Teaching staff are busy preparing for the new term and will do our best to support you as you settle in your new environment.
Know that we are committed to ensuring that your student experience will be one of quality learning and personal development, and hope that Welcome Week will be the start of enjoyable and fruitful years of study with us.
Our Welcome Week programme has been developed to provide guidance and includes a range of sessions and activities intended to help you become familiar with your surroundings. On the Monday of Welcome Week you will be invited to an induction session. You will also have a meeting on Tuesday with your Personal Tutor who will be able offer advice on modules and answer any questions you may have about your programme of study.
Below you will find details of your Welcome Week programme. Please check regularly for updates.
- For questions about your course or Welcome Week arrangements, please contact the School or our Peer Guides.
- You will find lots of useful information about preparing for the start of term on our Welcome to Bangor section.
- For enquiries about enrolment and registration, please contact registration on registration@bangor.ac.uk
- For enquiries about your course or timetable, please contact: the Student Administration Team on artscultlang.studentadmin@bangor.ac.uk
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Professor Ruth McElroy
Head of School
Undergraduate Schedules
Postgraduate Schedules
Peer Guides
On behalf of all the Peer Guides in the School of Arts, Culture and Language, I would like to welcome you to Bangor.
The Peer Guide scheme is here to help you during your time at Bangor, particularly during the first few weeks of your degree course. Welcome Week, your first week in Bangor, is designed to help you settle in before lectures go. During Welcome Week there will be lots of activities run by the School and by the teams in your subject areas. These activities will allow you to meet other new students and Peer Guides. There are also events run by the Students’ Union, such as Serendipity, where you can find out about all the societies and sports clubs on offer at Bangor. Many of these societies and clubs have their events –so, as you can see, there will be lots of exciting things to do!
The School’s Peer Guides will be available throughout Welcome Week to lend a hand and to help you feel at home, and you have been allocated a personal Peer Guide, who will be in touch soon.
In the meantime, if you wish to contact your Peer Guide, please contact our Peer Guide coordinator who will put you in touch. Alys Conran - a.conran@bangor.ac.uk
We look forward to meeting you in September.
Enjoy your summer, and we will see you soon.