Music and Humour
Bangor University Chamber Choir
Conductor: Guto Pryderi Puw
Accompanist: Elina Shchohla
This concert will include an entertaining programme by a wide range of composers, drawn from the Renaissance to the present day, that focuses on the relationship between choral music and subtle humour.
There will be pieces about crickets (des Prez), some chickens – or rather handsome husbands (Passerau), and a few lively folk inspired pieces by Holst and Rutter. There are also some nonsense songs (Seiber), some vivid short pieces on various exotic animals (Whitacre), and we might have a gunfight (Morricone)! If you come, I’ll promise not to include jokes in between pieces! GP
Programme to include:
Josquin des Prez: El Grillo
Pierre Passerau: Il est bel et bon
Thomas Morley: Now is the month of Maying; April is In My Mistress’ Face; My bonny lass she smileth
Arthut Sullivan: The Lost Chord
Gustav Holst: Swansea Town
Matyas Seiber: Three Nonsense Songs
Guto Pryderi Puw: Psst! (aerosol)
Eric Whitacre: Animal Crackers Vol. 1 & 2
John Rutter: Dashing away with the smoothing iron
Ennio Morricone: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
No interval. Free entry (retiring collection, cash or card)
Facebook / Instagram: @MDPBangor
Made possible by a grant from the Bangor University’s Bangor Fund.