Module BIC-0008:
Physics 1
Physics 1 (Properties of Matter and Waves) 2024-25
Bangor University International College (Department)
Module - Semester 1 & 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Tom Ledbury
This module builds on the science knowledge gained from prior studies to provide the appropriate foundation in Physics knowledge and related practical skills. The content covered in this module will further enable you to be successful in your undergraduate studies in the fields of engineering and computer science.
The main topics covered are: - Waves and Properties of waves - Sound; oscillators - Reflection and refraction - Interference and diffraction - Electromagnetic waves; wave speed formulae - Matter - Materials – Strength of solids; Elastic behaviour; Structure of solids; Fluids; Non-viscous flow; Viscous flow; Surfaces - Heat and Gases – Temperature; Heat capacities; Thermal coefficient; Thermal conduction; Thermal radiation; Ideal gases; - Thermodynamics of ideal gases; Real gases; Vapours; Entropy and equilibrium - Structure of the atom – Properties of the electron; Free electrons in metals; Electrons within atoms; Energy emitted by electrons; - Properties of the nucleus; Radioactivity, Fission and Fusion
Assessment Strategy
Threshold (40-49% / D- to D+) Has shown knowledge of key areas and principles but there is a weakness in understanding the subject area. Limited ability to apply subject knowledge to different scenarios or solve problems. There are many weakness in the presentation of written work and use of appropriate subject-specific terminology is limited.
Satisfactory (50–59% / C- to C+) Has shown knowledge of the key areas and principles and the main elements of the subject area are understood. Can apply subject knowledge to different scenarios and solve problems but with some errors. There are some weaknesses in presentation of written work and use of subject-specific terminology is developing.
Good (60-69% / B- to B+) Has shown a strong knowledge and understands most of the subject area. Can apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios and solve problems with few errors. The presentation of written work is good and use of subject-specific terminology well-developed.
Excellent (70%-100% / A- to A*) Has shown a comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding of the subject area. Can apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios and solve problems with few errors. The presentation of written work is excellent and use of subject-specific terminology is very well developed.
Learning Outcomes
- Carry out calculations using a consistent set of units
- Describe phenomena in terms of geometrical, pictorial and mathematical models
- Understand the main ideas and methods studied and apply their understanding to solve problems
- Use the theoretical structure of the subject by applying it to the techniques of experimental physics
Assessment method
Assessment type
Independent lab report based on a practical session completed in small groups.
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
Final unseen exam comprising questions covering the material covered in lessons.