Module MSE-2020:
Cell Biology
Cell Biology 2024-25
North Wales Medical School
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Mathew Jones
This module takes students on a journey through the eukaryotic cell. The content is arranged in 4 blocks:
Block 1: The Cell Biology of cell signalling
Block 2: Protein Homeostasis
Block 3: The Mitochondrion
Block 4: The Cytoskeleton
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Category: D (40%-49%)Knowledge is limited to key areas & principles with gaps. No evidence of background reading. Answers are poorly focussed with some irrelevant material and/or repetition. No original interpretation and ideas. Limited problem solving skills, poor time management. Many weaknesses in presentation and accuracy.Answers use mainly key phrases without explaining them. The mark reflects how wide the knowledge gaps are and how little explanation & context is provided.
-good -Category: B (60%-69%)Sound knowledge of key areas & principles. The main areas are understood with some minor omissions. Limited evidence of background study. The answer is largely based on the lecture material. Answers are focussed on the question but also with some irrelevant material and weaknesses in structure. Arguments presented but lack sometimes coherence. No original interpretation & ideas. Only major links between topics are described. Evidence of problem solving & time management skills. Some weaknesses in presentation and accuracy.
-excellent -Category: A (70%-100%)Strong knowledge based on the lecture material. Evidence of background study and good explanation of the biological principles. Answers are focussed with a good structure. Arguments are presented coherently. Mostly free of errors. Some limited original interpretation. Well known links between topics are described. Good problem solving & time management skills.Upper A (A+, A*)Comprehensive knowledge & detailed understanding with clear evidence of background study. Highly focussed answer and well structured and supported by diagrams & tables. Very good explanation and relevant context included. Written for a reader who is not familiar with the topic. Logically presented and defended arguments. No factual errors. Original interpretation and novel links between topics are developed. Excellent problem solving & time management skills. To obtain marks in the A+ and A* range, clear evidence of background reading has to be present. Top answers based on the lecture material return low A marks.
-another level-Category: C (50%-59%)Sound knowledge of key areas & principles. The main areas are understood with some minor omissions. No evidence of background study. The answer is only based on the lecture material. Answers are focussed on the question but are limited to statements which are not followed up by explanation or context. Answer may contain some irrelevant material and weaknesses in structure. Arguments presented but lack sometimes coherence. No original interpretation & ideas. Only major links between topics are described. No evidence of problem solving & time management skills. Some weaknesses in presentation and accuracy.
Learning Outcomes
- Combine knowledge and understanding of individual cellular processes to explain normal cell function. (Biosciences benchmarks: 6.3 subject knowledge & 4.2 intellectual skills)
- Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of how the different organelles and compartments interact within a living eukaryotic cell. (Biosciences benchmarks: 6.4 subject knowledge & 4.2 intellectual skills)
- Demonstrate an appreciation of how the basic blueprint of a cell evolved to full-fill specialised functions. (Biosciences benchmarks: 6.4 subject knowledge & 4.2 intellectual skills)
- Interpret knowledge and understanding of cellular processes to explain the pathogenesis and origins of disease processes. (Biosciences benchmarks: 6.2 subject knowledge & 4.2 intellectual skills)
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
End of Semester 2 Exam
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
End of Semester 1 Exam
Assessment method
Assessment type
Essay: Why it was worth a Nobel Prize?
Due date