Modules for course N1BJ | MA/BMK1
MA Business and Marketing (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
Year 1 Modules
Compulsory Modules
ABJ-4010 New Venture Creation
(Semester 2)
ABJ-4439 International Marketing
(Semester 2)
ABJ-4115 Management Research
(Semester 2)
Dissertation / Applied Business Project
The student must take 1
Optional Modules The student may not take more than 1
ABJ-4426 Contemporary issues in Mgment
(Semester 2)
QXS-4006 English for International Busi
(Semester 2)
ABJ-4440 Consumers in Global & Digital
(Semester 2)
BUIC modules 1 Term Modules on the IIM Business and
Management 1-term pathway
October Starters 1T
BIC-3024 Postgraduate Academic Skills
(Full Term)