Module QXL-2202:
Semantics & Pragmatics
Semantics and Pragmatics 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 1
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Alan Wallington
This module furthers the study of semantics and pragmatics begun in the first year module QXL-1116, Introduction to Meaning. Much of the module will explore new areas of and for semantic and pragmatic analysis, such as the idea that there may be a basic set of semantic atoms out of which meaning is created or that much of our seemingly abstract thought is acually created from the metaphorical extension of the very basic bodily sensations we experience as a child growing up. However, we will also build upon and explore in more depth topics that were introduced in the Introduction to Meaning module such as the nature of categorisation, implicatures and speech acts. The module will also introduce futher formal methods for the analysis of meaning, such as the use of predicate logic and set theory to describe quantifiers. The module will be assessed by two small, 20-credit, data response assessments and a larger 60 credit asessment. The intention of the smaller assessments is to provide useful feedback in time for the main 60 credit assessment, which will consist of a choice of essays from a list.
Topics may include: 1) Words, concepts, categories, frames and domains 2) Polysemy 3) Meaning components, language universals, thematic roles 4) Metaphor and figurative language 5) Mental Spaces Theory and Conceptual Blending 6) Quantifiers, Determiners and Predicate Logic. 7) Pragmatics: Relevance Theory and other post-Gricean developments 8) Pragmatics: Speech Acts and Politeness 9) Spatial Reference 10) Discourse and context 11) Wrap up: grammar and meaning, how might they be related?
Assessment Strategy
Threshold 40% - 49% (D- to D+) Submitted work is adequate and shows an acceptable level of competence as follows: 1.Generally accurate but with omissions and errors.2.Assertions are made without clear supporting evidence or reasoning.3.Has structure but is lacking in clarity and therefore relies on the reader to make links and assumptions.4.Draws on a relatively narrow range of material.
Good 50% - 70% (C- to B+) Submitted work is competent throughout and may be distinguished by superior style, approach and choice of supporting materials. It: 1.Demonstrates good or very good structure and logically developed arguments.2.Draws at least in parts on material that has been sourced and assessed as a result of independent study, or in a way unique to the student.3.Assertions are backed by evidence and sound reasoning.4.Accuracy and presentation in an appropriate academic style.
Excellent 70% + (A- to A*) Submitted work is of an outstanding quality and excellent in one or more of the following ways: 1.Has originality of exposition with the student’s own thinking being readily apparent.2.Provides clear evidence of extensive and relevant independent study.3.Arguments are laid down with clarity and provide the reader with successive stages of consideration to reach conclusions.
Learning Outcomes
- Analyse language data using a range of different approaches and methodological frameworks.
- Compare and contrast the different theoretical approaches that can be taken in the study of pragmatics.
- Compare and contrast the different theoretical approaches that can be taken in the study of semantics.
- Illustrate the respective roles that concepts, words, sentences and context play in meaning and demonstrate how these might relate to truth conditions and to the mind and mental representations.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Semantics data analysis. This will cover the first five lectures, which mainly comprise the semantics part of the module . The assessment will involve data analysis, but students will also need to write a short description of what each of the five lectures was about.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Pragmatics data analysis. This assessment will test the student's knowledge and understanding of the second five lectures of the module, dealing with largely pragmatic issues. The assessment will involve data analysis, but students will also need to write a short description of what each of the five lectures was about.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Assignment 3 - Essays A choice of essays will be given and students must answer one essay on semantics and one on pragmatics
Due date