Financial Derivatives 2024-25
Bangor Business School
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Gwion Williams
Topics may include but not be limited to: Introduction to financial derivatives, forwards, futures, option strategies, option pricing (binomial model and Black-Scholes), option Greeks, and Swaps.
Topics may include but not be limited to: Introduction to financial derivatives, option strategies, option pricing (binomial model and Black-Scholes), option Greeks, and Swaps.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -D- to D+ (40-49%): No major omissions or inaccuracies in the deployment of information/skills. Some grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Integration of theory/practice/information present intermittently in pursuit of the assessed work's objectives.
-good -B- to B+ (60-69%): Very good performance Most of the relevant information accurately deployed. Good grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work's objectives. Evidence of the use of creative and reflective skills.
-excellent -A- to A+ (70%+): Outstanding Performance. The relevant information accurately deployed. Excellent grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practice elements. Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work's objectives. Strong evidence of the use of creative and reflective skills.
-another level-C- to C+ (50-59%): Much of the relevant information and skills mostly accurately deployed. Adequate grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Fair integration of theory/practice/information in the pursuit of the assessed work's objectives. Some evidence of the use of creative and reflective skills.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically appraise how options are priced with the Black-Scholes and Binomial option pricing models
- Critically appraise how options can be priced using the binomial model
- Critically appraise the role of swaps in managing interest rate risks
- Evaluate the role the parameters that affect the price and risks associated with options
- Perform a detailed assessment of how to create hedging and speculating strategies using forwards and option strategies
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
End of semester exam
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
Class test 25% module weight
Due date