Module BIC-3321:
English 1
English 1 2024-25
Bangor University International College (Department)
Module - Semester 3
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Owain Llewellyn
This module will help prepare you for postgraduate study by improving your English language and academic skills. We will build on the skills you already have to get you ready for masters-level work. You will engage with complex academic texts, summarize key ideas and learn strategies for understanding different text types and purposes. There is a focus on writing in this module, and you will work on planning strong essays, practicing advanced grammar structures, and expanding your academic vocabulary, utilising digital tools critically to do so. You will gain experience with the conventions of academic writing genres. We will also work on essential study skills like avoiding plagiarism, referencing sources, and managing your time effectively.
Topics covered in the module include:
- Features of academic lectures
- Note-taking skills
- Paraphrasing and summarising
- Reading strategies for academic texts
- Analysing text structure
- Identifying main ideas
- Assessing source credibility
- Recognising bias
- Identifying academic sources
- Using in-text citations
- Referencing basics
- Understanding and producing complex sentences
- Paragraph structure
- Introductory and concluding paragraphs
- Analysing essay prompts
- Brainstorming and research
- Creating a strong essay structure through outlining
- Thesis statements
- Essay organisation
- Using digital writing tools
- Evaluating and editing AI output
- Combining tools for writing
- Reflecting on learning
Assessment Strategy
Threshold (40%-49% / D- to D+) Can understand the main ideas of listening texts within their discipline, take simple notes and construct a basic summary which includes a few key points. The summary has several linguistic errors but is generally clear. Can structure an essay but there is a lack of clarity in parts of the plan and some inadequate use of sources.
Satisfactory (50%–59% / C- to C+) Can understand the main ideas of listening texts within their discipline, take effective notes and construct an adequate summary which contains most key points. There are a few linguistic errors but the summary is clear. Can produce a generally clear essay plan with adequate use of sources. However, some aspects of the plan could be further developed.
Good (60%-69% / B- to B+) Can understand ideas, arguments and implied meaning within a variety of listening texts, take highly effective notes and construct a coherent summary which covers the majority of key points. Any linguistic errors are minor and do not impede clarity. Produces a clear essay plan with good use and evaluation of sources.
Excellent (70%-100% / A- to A*) Can easily understand ideas, arguments and implied meaning within a wide variety of listening texts, take highly effective notes and construct a coherent summary which covers all key ideas. The summary is free of linguistic errors. Essay plan is exceptionally clear with coherent structure and precise paragraph topics. Excellent evaluation and integration of sources.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify and take critical notes on the main points of an academic lecture
- Identify appropriate academic sources for an essay then critically evaluate sources and integrate them into an essay plan
- Summarise the main ideas and arguments of academic texts using appropriate referencing techniques.
- Use digital tools and online resources to enhance the planning of academic writing.
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
Listening into Writing - Summary You will watch a video/listen to audio and write a summary of it in exam conditions.
Assessment type
Essay Outline and Reflection You will create an essay outline and then answer questions to critically reflect on the process and the tools you used.