Module BIC-3323:
Business English
Business English 2024-25
Bangor University International College (Department)
Module - Semester 3
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Tom Ledbury
The module develops your relevant language and study skills in order to prepare you to study business at masters level. You will look at a range of sources of business news including academic journals, newspaper and magazine articles, and company reports and in order to critically examine and discuss current business case studies.
The primary focus of the module is on the development of the language and skills students will need in their business-related studies. The module engages students directly with their business-related studies by putting language and skills acquisition firmly in a business context: the value of the generic study is immediately enhanced for the student by context. A secondary focus of the module is on study skills related to students’ master’s studies, including sourcing and evaluating material, use of library and VLE, and oral and written communication in a business context. The topics studied include contemporary business practice and issues, involving consideration of current business processes and culture, the impact of global shocks in terms of business innovation and the growth of e-commerce, and the significance of ethical considerations such as environmental concerns and sustainability.
Assessment Strategy
Threshold (50%–59% / C- to C+) Can take effective notes from business texts and present these to an audience in a simple manner. There are sometimes inaccuracies in what is delivered and the background study and research is limited.
Good (60%-69% / B- to B+) Can take highly effective notes from a variety of business texts and present these in a clear manner to an audience. The content of the presentation is mainly accurate and there is evidence of background study and research.
Excellent (70%-100% / A- to A*) Can take highly effective notes from a wide variety of business texts and present these in a clear and engaging manner to an audience. The content of the presentation is highly accurate with few errors and there is evidence of extensive background study and research.
Learning Outcomes
- Evaluate and synthesise business news and information from a variety of sources.
- Report in coherent spoken form on issues arising out of business case studies.
- Take accurate and detailed notes from both written and spoken media on business topics.
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
Interim class test of note-taking skills, use of notes to paraphrase material from business sources, and summarising
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Individual presentation reporting the key findings from the student's own research into the efforts one company has made to improve sustainability (10 minutes), followed by a short Q&A session (5 minutes).