Module JXH-4906:
Presentation in Statistics
Presentations in Statistics 2024-25
School of Psychology & Sport Science
Module - Semester 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Jamie Macdonald
This independent study based module will enable students to gain a comprehensive understanding of a statistical procedure of their choosing (following consultation with the staff member responsible for the module). Towards this end, students will cover (i) relevant background issues, (ii) when to use utilize particular statistical tests, (iii) how to conduct statistical testing via appropriate software, (iv) how to correctly interpret computational output, and (v) how to present the findings following analysis. Students will learn about these themes through a “learning by teaching” paradigm via the development of a podcast.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Pass: Fair understanding evident via a structured podcast however some irrelevance is present. Presentation of information contains several factual,computational, or interpretational errors. More specifically within the podcast although there will be understanding and an account of how to conduct thechosen statistical test using contemporary software, only rather limited awareness of background issues and under which circumstances particularstatistical procedures are most appropriate will be evident. Similarly, while there will be evidence of some good understanding and sporadic correctinterpretation of an analysis output, errors and misunderstanding within the illustration of how to write up results from the output will be present. -good -Merit: Some very good understanding evident via a well structured and somewhat concise podcast. Good presentation of information which is mostly freeof factual, computational, or interpretational errors. More specifically within the podcast there will be some awareness of background issues, under whichcircumstances particular statistical procedures are most appropriate as well as an accurate understanding and fairly detailed account of how to conductthe chosen statistical test using contemporary software. Correct interpretation of an analysis output and an accurate illustration of how to write up resultsfrom the output will also be seen. -excellent -Distinction: Detailed and comprehensive understanding evident via a well structured, concise and highly focused podcast. Excellent presentation of information containing no factual, computational, or interpretational errors. More specifically within the podcast there will be clear awareness of background issues, under which circumstances particular statistical procedures are most appropriate (including coverage of relevant subtleties) as well as a highly accurate understanding and a logically presented step-by-step account of how to conduct the chosen statistical test using contemporary software. Correct interpretation of an analysis output (again including coverage of relevant subtleties) and a comprehensive illustration of how to write upresults from the output will also be seen.
Learning Outcomes
- Upon successaful completion of this module students will be able to demonstrate critical awareness of how to interpret and communicate statistical outputs
- Upon successaful completion of this module students will be able to verbally present complex research and statistics related information in an effective manner for the intended population
- Upon successful completion of this module students will be able to critically discuss statistical procedures at an in-depth level
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
In this verbal assignment students will record a podcast that is aimed at a specific target audience (usually students) and covers a thorough overview of a specific statistical procedure
Due date