Module NHS-4351:
Dissertation 2024-25
School of Health Sciences
Module - Semester 2
60 credits
Module Organiser:
Lucy Bryning
Research project management (strategies, time and resources) in order to complete the dissertation within the guidelines given and timescales available.
Critical appraisal of the literature.
Advanced skills in literature searching and the use of a wide range of resources.
Structuring and writing up a dissertation.
Comprehensive understanding of ethics, governance and good research practice.
Engaging with supervision, self direction and independent enquiry
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Threshold C- grade, minimum 50% (pass) Demonstrate knowledge of key areas/principles related to the research topic and study design. Have some, if only limited, evidence of exploration of theory related to the dissertation. Be focused on the dissertation learning outcomes with only some irrelevant material and weaknesses in structure. Attempt to present relevant and logical arguments in line with the expectation of an MSc Dissertation. Not contain a large number of factual/computational errors. Attempt to analyse and/or explain issues explored in relation to the topic and research design. Be free of major weaknesses in presentation and accuracy. -good -Threshold B- grade. Demonstrate a good knowledge of key areas/principles related to the research topic and study design. Have strong evidence of exploration of theory related to the dissertation. Be focused on the dissertation learning outcomes with few examples of irrelevant material or weaknesses in structure. Presents relevant and logical arguments in line with the expectation of an MSc Dissertation. Contains few factual/computational errors. Good analysis and/or explanation of a range issues in relation to the topic and research design. Be free of many weaknesses in presentation and accuracy. -excellent -Threshold A- grade. Demonstrate an excellent knowledge of key areas/principles related to the research topic and study design. Have comprehensive evidence of exploration of theory related to the dissertation. Be focused on the dissertation learning outcomes no irrelevant material or weaknesses in structure. Presents a wide range of relevant and logical arguments to a high standard within an MSc Dissertation. Contains no factual/computational errors. An excellent analysis and explanation of a wide range of issues explored in relation to the topic and research design. Be free of weaknesses in presentation and accuracy.
Learning Outcomes
- Articulate a strategy for disseminating the research project findings within the dissertation through a specific plan for implementation that will promote the use and impact of the findings.
- Demonstrate an appropriate level of self-direction, autonomy and reflexivity as a novice researcher to develop and deliver a research project that corresponds to the MSc pathway undertaken.
- Demonstrate resourceful and innovative formulation of the design, data collection, analysis and management of the research project, synthesising findings and drawing conclusions from the work undertaken.
- Ensure that the interpretation of findings are relevant to contemporary theory, research and practice contexts where appropriate, as well as to the student’s role/specialism within their chosen MSc pathway.
- Present a well-developed critical analysis of literature and evidence to provide a sound rationale for the project, building upon a sound theoretical framework and, where appropriate, relates to the practice context for the orientation of the research.
- Use scholarly enquiry and critical analysis to plan, develop and implement a robust research project that justifies the research methodology, design, and techniques utilised.
Assessment method
Assessment type
MSc Dissertation
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
The presentation offers the opportunity for the development of communication and reflection skills to articulate the research design and challenges. The presentation will facilitate project alignment with the MSc program and offers direction on dissemination of research for impact.