Module UXS-1018:
Creative Practice
Creative Practice 2024-25
Ysgol Iaith, Diwylliant a'r Celfyddydau
Module - Semester 1
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Stephanie Steventon
This module provides a foundation for further creative practice on other modules, with a particular emphasis on developing creativity. Students will also learn more about the creative industries more generally, and possible opportunities that may be available in the future.
Students on this module will attend a weekly lecture focusing on the following aspects of Creative Practice, amongst other issues: developing ideas, research, scripting for factual and fiction-based production, production methods and techniques, working as part of a team, project management, creativity and employability, and the importance of the Creative Industries sector. These will all be considered in the context of film, television, radio, podcasting, journalism and digital content in general. Students will also attend weekly workshops that will give them an opportunity to develop their creative skills and techniques. They will be able to develop the work they will be submitting as part of their creative portfolio during these sessions. Although the assessments will all be undertaken individually, students will participate in both individual and team-based exercises during the workshops. Health and safety guidance will also be provided at appropriate stages.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -D- to D+ (40-49%)- Knowledge of key areas/principles only - Weaknesses in understanding of main areas - Limited evidence of background study - Answer only poorly focused on question and with some irrelevant material and poor structure - Arguments presented but lack coherence - Several factual/computational errors - No original interpretation - Only major links between topics are described - Limited problem solving - Many weaknesses in presentation and accuracy - Exceeds expectations for some primary criteria - Moderate factual knowledge with several weaknesses in understanding - A few ideas/arguments are presented but with weaknesses
-good -B- to B+ (60-69%)- Strong knowledge - Understands most but not all - Evidence of background study - Focused answer with good structure - Arguments presented coherently - Mostly free of factual/computational errors - Some limited original interpretation - Well known links between topics are described - Problems addressed by existing methods/approaches - Good presentation with accurate communication
-excellent -A- to A* (70% +)- Comprehensive knowledge - Detailed understanding - Extensive background study - Highly focused answer and well structured - Logically presented and defended arguments - No factual/computational errors - Original interpretation - New links between topics are developed - New approach to a problem - Excellent presentation with very accurate communication
-another level-C- to C+ (50-59%)- Knowledge of key areas/principles - Understands main areas - Limited evidence of background study - Answer focused on question but also with some irrelevant material and weaknesses in structure - Arguments presented but lack coherence - Has several factual/computational errors - No original interpretation - Only major links between topics are described - Limited problem solving - Some weaknesses in presentation and accuracy
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of creative processes and practice through engagement in one or more production practices
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how work is organised in the creative industries, whether individually or collaboratively
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the processes linking pre-production, production, distribution, circulation, reception and use in the context of creative media practice
- Research and identify possible employment destinations
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Create a written portfolio including the following elements, allowing approximately 500words for each one: (a) Proposal for a production idea that could be developed into a TV/radio production, podcast, or short film; (b) Original scripted material for this production, eg excerpt from screenplay, links for presenter; (c) Further additional information that may be useful, eg production methods/techniques, more information about contributors, locations, production design and general content, ideas for promoting your production, how it could be further developed; (d) A brief summary of 3-5 further ideas that could be developed into a TV/radio production, podcast or film.
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Record a 4-5 minute presentation, with accompanying slides, explaining the importance of the Creative Industries. As well as giving an overall summary, you may also choose to focus on a particular area of creative practice of your choice as part of your presentation. PowerPoint or other alternative methods may be used – further guidance will be given in the lectures/workshops.
Due date