Staff within the School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography (SENRGy) are currently involved in trying to develop the green economy within Wales and Ireland. It’s a busy time for the Green Innovation Network (GIN), a group made up of Welsh businesses supported by expertise from SENRGy staff, notably Heli Gittins and Nicola Owen. The network is part of the wider Green Innovation Future Technologies Project (GIFT), funded by the European Regional Development Fund and bringing together academic expertise in Bangor University, University College Dublin and Waterford Institute of Technology.
The green economy aims to use resources more efficiently, protect nature and enhance communities. The GIN aims to encourage and help companies to “grow your business green”.
It’s a busy time for the GIN; six welsh businesses have recently returned from Ireland to spread the word about how embracing the green economy has helped their business. The visit also helped to demonstrate the opportunities provided by the GIN, including advice and support, upskilling and networking opportunities for businesses.
On November 20th, Bangor University will be hosting the Advancing a Green Economy in Wales event to champion the green economy in North Wales and highlight the benefits to businesses and the community. The event will feature presentations form the Green Economy Coalition and the New Economic Foundation. Stuart Bond of the GIN at Bangor University is sure that “developing a green economy for North Wales can drive significant business investment and create sustainable economic, environmental and social benefits”.
The concept of the green economy also forms a key feature of Bangor University’s MBA in Environmental Management, which is approved by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment. The aim of this programme is to develop skills in the delivery of economic activities related to environment, green technology and sustainability.
More information on the Green innovation Network can be found at
‘Bangor University’s Green Innovation Network heading for Ireland”
Publication date: 16 October 2013