Governance Office Staff

Gwenan Hine, wearing a black and grey top, standing by a window in Main Arts Building

Gwenan Hine

University Secretary

+44 1248 383878

Main Arts, Bangor University

Gwenan has strategic oversight of all aspects of the governance of the University including Council, Senate, Court, Executive Board and all Council Sub-Committees. In addition, she leads the Executive Board Office, the provision of legal services, contracts and information compliance, safeguarding and Prevent, student conduct and complaints, Honorary Degrees, research governance, ethics, ordinances, regulations and policies.

A close-up photograph of Sera Whitley in the Main Arts Building

Sera Whitley

 Executive Board Office Assistant

+44 1248 383279

Main Arts, Bangor University

Sera provides administrative support across the Governance Office department. She supports a range of processes across many areas of the Service, including legal services and contracts, research governance, integrity and ethics, policy management and arranging training for the Governance Office team. In addition, she supports the University Secretary with processes including the Honorary Appointment process and flying the University flag in memoriam, as well as ensuring that the Governance Office web pages are fully updated and available bilingually.

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