Professor Raluca Radulescu
Professor of Medieval Literature / Director of Research, Impact and Engagement
Director of the Centre for Arthurian Studies in the College of Arts, Humanities and Business and newly elected President of the International Arthurian Society(2024-2027), a scholarly society with more than 1000 members world-wide.
In 2021 I was Deputy Head (operational) of the School of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics and subject lead for English literature, and from 2018-21 I was Deputy Head of the same School and Director of Research, and REF 2021 UoA27 coordinator.
Among other leadership roles I have held recently, I was Co-director of IMEMS (Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Bangor and University of Aberystwyth) for 5 years (2013-18) and founding director of the Centre for Medieval Studies (2005-13). I am also founding director of the cross-school MA in Medieval Studies and of the MA in Arthurian Literature.
I am a Fellow of the English Association, of the Royal Historical Society and of the Learned Society of Wales, and serve on the General Purposes, as well as the Early Career researcher development, committees of the latter.
I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. In 2017 I was awarded a Bangor Teaching Excellence Fellowship.
Additional Contact Information
Phone: 01248382110
Location: 314 New Arts
Teaching and Supervision
I teach medieval literature (the first year module QXE1003 Heroes and Villains: Introduction to Pre-modern Literature; QXE2101 /QXE3118 Exploring Medieval Literature; and specialist modules QXE3034 Legends and Super Heroes; QXE2094/3094 Realms of Magic: Medieval Romance and its Afterlives - the latter on the development of modern fantasy from the medieval genre of romance), literary and critical theory, the history of the book, palaeography (which I reintroduced in the curriculum at Bangor University from 2005), medieval romance, Arthurian legend (medieval to present), travel literature (classical to present), children's literature and modern fantasy. I am interested, also, in translation and adaptation, particularly in modern fantasy into film, including Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.
In July 2017 I was awarded a Bangor Teaching Excellence Fellowship. I am also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
I have supervised 7 research students to completion:
Elina Harjula, MPhil, 'Horses in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur' (MPhil, 2010)
Ambra Finotello, PhD, 'Transformations of the Merlin Legend in Late-Medieval England: Contextualizing Translation in Of Arthour and of Merlin, Henry Lovelich’s Merlin, and the Prose Merlin' (PhD, 2014)
Anastasija Ropa, PhD, 'Representations of the Grail in Medieval and Modern Literature' (PhD, 2014)
Daisy Le Helloco, PhD ‘Sense of Place and the Writing of Early Modern British History in Medieval and Early Modern England’ (PhD, 2018)
Isra'a Alqallab, 'The History of Emotions and Medieval Romance: King Horn, Guy of Warwick, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' (PhD, 2019)
Ashley Walchester-Bailes, 'Editing Malory in the Modern Period: from Winchester MS to Vinaver's edition' (2023)
Audrey Martin, 'Heroes and Anti-Heroes in Geoffrey of Monmouth and his continuators' (2023)
I am currently supervising 2 PhD students:
Aude Martin (co-supervision with Université of Lorraine), 'Medieval English and French Arthurian romance - the development of character' (writing up year)
Katja Marek, 'Medieval English romance in its miscellany context' (title subject to change) - recipient of the Vice-Chancellor's scholarship (Bangor University) and the Barron Bequest award (International Arthurian Society, British Branch)
I have been external examiner of 14 PhD theses across UK, Ireland, Europe and Australia. I have also advised /supervised a number of post-doctoral projects and visiting research fellows to the Centre for Arthurian Studies.
I welcome postgraduate projects linked to any of my areas of research interest.
Research Interests
My research focuses on late medieval literature and culture, more specifically Arthurian and non-Arthurian romances (Thomas Malory and popular romances), medieval chronicles (the Brut tradition and genealogical rolls), political culture and gentry studies. Overall my approach is informed by book history and cultural history - in particular the identification of trends, be they related to the emergence of a group's or individual's identity, political propaganda, or other. In recent years I started working on two other related projects, one engaging with the cultural importance of the medieval miscellany as a repository of literary and non-literary texts, the other focusing on medieval identity as expressed in visual representations (starting with heraldry but extending into art forms).
My research covers English, French and other continental romance languages and traditions, reflecting my trilingual background (Romanian, French, English) and other languages I have different levels of proficiency in (Italian, Spanish, Russian) or use in academic research and/or literary translation (Latin, Old French, Old English).
I have been involved in, and continue to undertake, literary translation projects. My latest is a translation of the ninth-century Irish poem Pangur Bán, into Romanian, for the Trinity College Dublin Centre for Literary Translation (a collaborative project published in 2017).
I continue to write and edit poetry in English, Romanian and French.
Postgraduate Project Opportunities
- Accepted/In pressArthur in the Prose Brut
Radulescu, R. & Marvin, J., 13 Feb 2024, (Accepted/In press) Cambridge History of Arthurian Literature and Culture. Radulescu, R. & Lynch, A. (eds.). 1 ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Vol. 1. (Cambridge History Series).
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review - Accepted/In pressArthurianism in medieval society and politics
Radulescu, R., 13 Feb 2024, (Accepted/In press) Cambridge History of Arthurian Literature and Culture . Radulescu, R. & Lynch, A. (eds.). 2024 1st ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge Histories).
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review - Accepted/In pressCambridge History of Arthurian Literature and Culture
Radulescu, R., 13 Feb 2024, (Accepted/In press) Cambridge University Press. 1000 p.
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review - Accepted/In pressWhat We Leave Behind: Legacy in Malory's Characterisation of Guenevere and Lancelot
Radulescu, R., 18 Nov 2024, (Accepted/In press) Medieval and Arthurian Studies in memory of Fiona Tolhurst. Whetter, K. & Armstrong, D. (eds.). Cambridge: Boydell & Brewer
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
- PublishedBoy and Mantle
Radulescu, R., 1 Nov 2023, The Arthurian Poems of the Percy Folio Manuscript. Withrington, J. & Rogers, G. (eds.). Liverpool University Press, p. 247-258
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review - PublishedSir Lancelott of DuLake: Percy Folio editions
Radulescu, R., 1 Nov 2023, The Arthurian Poems of the Percy Folio Manuscript: . Withrington, J. & Rogers, G. (eds.). Liverpool University Press, p. 71-77
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review - PublishedTrue Repentance? Malory’s Gawain and the Performance of Emotion
Radulescu, R., 10 May 2023, In: Arthuriana. 33, 1, p. 19-31 14 p.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- PublishedRoutledge Companion to Medieval English Literature
Radulescu, R. (Editor) & Rikhardsdottir, S. (Editor), 30 Dec 2022, First ed. Routledge. 500 p.
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review - PublishedThomas Malory
Radulescu, R., 30 Dec 2022, Routledge Companion to Medieval English Literature. Radulescu, R. & Rikhardsdottir, S. (eds.). Routledge, (Routledge Companions to Literature).
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
- PublishedEmotions and War in Chaucer's 'Knight's Tale'
Radulescu, R., Mar 2021, Literature, Emotions, and Pre-Modern War: Conflict in Medieval and Early Modern Culture. Lynch, C. & Scott, A. (eds.). ARC Humanities Press, p. 45-63 18 p.
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
- PublishedKing Arthur in Middle English Brut Chronicles and Genealogies
Radulescu, R. & Rajsic, J., 1 Feb 2020, La tradition arthurienne tardive en Angleterre et en Écosse : du Moyen Âge au début de l’Époque Moderne, vol. III, part IV: Late Arthurian Traditions in England and Scotland: Medieval to Early Modern. Putter, A. & Radulescu, R. (eds.). Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, p. 1057-1082
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review - PublishedLa tradition tardive en Angleterre et en Écosse" du Moyen Âge au début de l'époque moderne: Late Arthurian Traditions in England and Scotland: Medieval to Early Modern
Radulescu, R. (Editor) & Putter, A. D. (Editor), 1 Feb 2020, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 100 p. (La Matière Arthurienne Tardive en Europe 1270-1530)
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review
- PublishedExtreme Emotions: Sir Gawain and the Carl of Carlisle and the Danger from Within
Radulescu, R., 28 Dec 2019, In: Arthuriana. 29, 4, p. 57-73 17 p., 4.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review - PublishedIntroduction: Performing Emotions in the Arthurian World
Radulescu, R., 28 Dec 2019, In: Arthuriana. 29, 4, p. 3-7
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review - PublishedMacrocosm and Microcosm in Household Manuscript Cambridge University Library Ff.2.38
Radulescu, R., 9 Oct 2019, Household Knowledges in late-Medieval England and France. Burger, G. D. & Critten, R. (eds.). Manchester University Press, p. 201-18 18 p. (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture).
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review - PublishedSpiritual Malory
Radulescu, R., Apr 2019, A New Companion to Malory. Leitch, M. & Rushton, C. J. (eds.). Cambridge: D.S. Brewer
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
- PublishedEditing and Interpretation of Middle English Texts: Essays in Honour of William Marx
Connolly, M. (Editor) & Radulescu, R. (Editor), 28 Feb 2018, Turnhout: Brepols. 355 p. (Texts & Transitions ; no. 12)
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review - PublishedThe Middle English Brut Chronicles and the Modern Editor
Radulescu, R., 28 Feb 2018, Editing and Interpretation of Middle English Texts: Essays in Honour of William Marx. Connolly, M. & Radulescu, R. (eds.). Turnhout: Brepols, (Texts & Transitions; no. 12).
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
- PublishedSir Percyvell of Galles: a Quest for Values
Radulescu, R., 26 Jun 2017, Handbook of Arthurian Romance: King Arthur's Court in Medieval European Literature. Tether, L. & McFadyen, J. (eds.). 1st ed. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, p. 389-402 13 p.
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
- PublishedA Companion to Fifteenth-Century English Poetry
Radulescu, R. L., 1 Jul 2015, In: Modern Language Review. 10, 3
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review - PublishedEmotions in Chaucer's Romances
Radulescu, R. L., 8 Jul 2015, p. Paper 1331-c.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper - PublishedInsular Books: Vernacular Manuscript Miscellanies in Late Medieval Britain
Connolly, M. (Editor) & Radulescu, R. L. (Editor), 11 Jun 2015, OUP.
Research output: Book/Report › Book - PublishedIntroduction
Radulescu, R. L., Connolly, M. (Editor) & Radulescu, R. L. (Editor), 11 Jun 2015, Insular Books: Vernacular Manuscript Miscellanies in Late Medieval Britain: Proceedings of the British Academy. OUP, p. 1-28
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter - PublishedMalory and his European Contemporaries: Adapting Late Arthurian Romance Collections (Book review)
Radulescu, R. L. & Radulescu, R., 1 Feb 2015, In: Medium Aevum. 84, 2, p. 341-342
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review - PublishedMalory's Afterlives in Contemporary Culture
Radulescu, R. L., 12 Mar 2015, Medieval Afterlives in Contemporary Culture. Bloomsbury
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter - PublishedReading King Robert of Sicily's Text(s) and Manuscript Context(s)
Radulescu, R. L. & Perkins, N. (Editor), 19 Feb 2015, Medieval Romance and Material Culture. D.S. Brewer
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter - PublishedTears and lies: Emotions and the ideals of Malory's world
Radulescu, R. L., 15 Oct 2015, Emotions in Medieval Arthurian Literature: Body, Mind, Voice, Arthurian Studies. Brandsma, F., Larrington, C. & Saunders, C. (eds.). Boydell & Brewer
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter - PublishedVying for Attention: the Contents of Trinity College Dublin MS 432
Radulescu, R. L., Connolly, M. (Editor) & Radulescu, R. L. (Editor), 11 Jun 2015, Insular Books: Vernacular Manuscript Miscellanies in Late Medieval Britain: Proceedings of the British Academy. OUP, p. 121-142
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
- PublishedEmotions from Chretien to Malory
Radulescu, R. L., 25 Jul 2014.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper - PublishedMarqueurs D'Identite Dans La Litterature Medievale: Mettre En Signe L'Individu Et La Famille (Xiie-Xve Siecles): Actes Du Colloque Tenu a Poitiers Les
Radulescu, R. L., Girbera, C. (Editor), Hablot, L. (Editor) & Radulescu, R. L. (Editor), 29 Apr 2014, Brepols Publishers.
Research output: Book/Report › Book
- PublishedRomance and its Contexts in Fifteenth-Century England: Politics, Piety and Penitence
Radulescu, R. L., 18 Sept 2013, Boydell & Brewer.
Research output: Book/Report › Book
- PublishedPreparing for her Mature Years: the Case of Margaret of Anjou and her books
Radulescu, R. L. & Niebrzydowski, S. A. (Editor), 1 Jan 2011, Middle-aged women in the Middle Ages. 2011 ed. D.S. Brewer, p. 115-138
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
- PublishedHow Christian is Chivalry?
Radulescu, R. L., Field, R. (Editor), Hardman, P. (Editor) & Sweeney, M. (Editor), 15 Apr 2010, Christianity and Romance in Medieval England. 2010 ed. Boydell & Brewer, p. 69-83
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter - PublishedPious Romances Turned Political: the Case of Isumbras, Sir Gowther and Robert of Sicily
Radulescu, R. L., 1 Apr 2010, In: Viator. 41, 2, p. 333-359
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- PublishedA Companion to Medieval Popular Romance
Radulescu, R. L. (Editor) & Rushton, C. J. (Editor), 1 Jan 2009, 2009 ed. D.S. Brewer.
Research output: Book/Report › Book - PublishedBroken Lines: Genealogical Literature in Medieval Britain and France
Radulescu, R. L. (Editor) & Kennedy, E. D. (Editor), 1 Jan 2009, 2009 ed. Brepols Publishers.
Research output: Book/Report › Book - PublishedGenre and Classification.
Radulescu, R. L., Radulescu, R. L. (Editor) & Rushton, C. J. (Editor), 1 Jan 2009, A Companion to Medieval Popular Romance. 2009 ed. D.S. Brewer, p. 31-48
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter - PublishedMalory and the quest for the Holy Grail
Radulescu, R. L. & Fulton, H. (Editor), 1 Jan 2009, Companion to Arthurian Literature. 2009 ed. Wiley-Blackwell, p. 326-339
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
- PublishedMalory's Lancelot and the Key to Salvation
Radulescu, R. L., Archibald, E. (Editor) & Johnson, D. F. (Editor), 1 Jan 2008, Arthurian Literature 25. 2008 ed. Boydell & Brewer, p. 93-118
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
- PublishedBallad and Popular Romance in the Percy Folio
Radulescu, R. L., 1 Jan 2006, In: Arthurian Literature. 23, 2006, p. 68-80
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review - PublishedWriting Nation: Shaping Identity in Medieval Historical Narratives
Radulescu, R. L. & Brown, P. (Editor), 1 Jan 2006, A Companion to Medieval English Literature and Culture C.1350-C.1500. 2006 ed. WileyBlackwell, p. 358-373
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
- PublishedGentry Culture in Late Medieval England.
Radulescu, R. L. (Editor) & Truelove, A. (Editor), 1 Jan 2005, 2005 ed. Manchester University Press.
Research output: Book/Report › Book - PublishedLiterature
Radulescu, R. L., Radulescu, R. L. (Editor) & Truelove, A. (Editor), 1 Jan 2005, Gentry Culture in Late Medieval England. 2005 ed. Manchester University Press, p. 100-118
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter - PublishedRe-viewing Le Morte Darthur: Texts and Contexts, Characters and Themes.
Whetter, K. S. (Editor) & Radulescu, R. L. (Editor), 1 Jan 2005, 2005 ed. D.S. Brewer.
Research output: Book/Report › Book - Published“Oute of measure”: Violence and Knighthood in Malory’s Morte Darthur
Radulescu, R. L., Whetter, K. S. (Editor) & Radulescu, R. L. (Editor), 1 Jan 2005, Re-viewing Le Morte Darthur: Texts and Contexts: Characters and Themes. 2005 ed. D.S. Brewer, p. 119-131
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
- Published'Now I take uppon me the adventures to seke of holy thynges' : Lancelot and the crisis of Arthurian knighthood
Radulescu, R. L. & Wheeler, B. (Editor), 1 Jan 2004, Arthurian studies in honour of P.J.C. Field. 2004 ed. D.S. Brewer, p. 285-296
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
- PublishedSir Thomas Malory and Fifteenth-Century Political Ideas
Radulescu, R. L., 1 Jan 2003, In: Arthuriana. 13, 3, p. 36-51
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review - PublishedThe Gentry Context for Malory's Morte Darthur.
Radulescu, R. L., 1 Jan 2003, D.S. Brewer.
Research output: Book/Report › Book - PublishedYorkist Propaganda and the Chronicle from Rollo to Edward IV.
Radulescu, R. L., 1 Sept 2003, In: Studies in Philology. 100, 4, p. 401-424
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published“Talkyng of cronycles of kinges and of other polycyez”: Fifteenth-Century Miscellanies, the Brut and the Readership of Le Morte Darthur
Radulescu, R. L., 1 Jan 2001, In: Arthurian Literature. 18, 2001, p. 125-141
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- International Brut Chronicle Conference
I have been invited to organise the next international Brut chronicle conference in Bangor at the Centre for Arthurian Studies
21 Jun 2027
Activity: Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course (Speaker)
- The Grail in the Northern and Celtic Traditions
I have been invited to organise the second international colloquium in the international network 'The Grail in Northern and Celtic traditions' in Bangor at the Centre for Arthurian Studies in November 2025
4 Nov 2025
Activity: Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course (Speaker) - Arthurian History and Chronicle Time in the Middle English Manuscripts in the National Library of Wales'
invited lecture at the Bibliographical Society
22 Feb 2025
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- 140 Years of Legends: Arthurian and Celtic Collections, Scholarship and the Community
This is a co-sponsored event by the Learned Society of Wales and Bangor University, hosted and delivered by the Centre for Arthurian Studies, in the series of anniversary events. It is also part of the international collaboration with the Rossell Hope Robbins Library, University of Rochester, US
23 Nov 2024
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation (Organiser) - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Problems with Translation: Languages, Medieval to Modern
Invited plenary lecture at specialist conference for medievalists (part of the national association of medievalists teaching English literature in France in university settings, AMAES) and for secondary school teachers of English in France (for whom this is now a set text for the qualification)
21 Nov 2024 – 22 Nov 2024
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Les romans du Graal en tradition dans les langues celtiques et nordiques
This is the first conference in a series of two, co-organised with the Universities of Rouen, Brest and Bangor, with the aim of exploring the appropriations and translations of the Grail into languages across the North and Celtic peoples
20 Nov 2024
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker) - ‘Counselling the king - reading emotions, mastering one's own from the fourteenth to the fifteenth century in England'
Plenary lecture at international conference 'Counsellors and Counselled: The advice to princes tradition between the Hundred Years War and the British Interregnum'
12 Sep 2024 – 14 Sep 2024
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Fiction and History in Arthurian Manuscripts
Invited plenary lecture at the 27th triennial International Arthurian Congress of the International Arthurian Society
18 Jul 2024
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Learned Society of Wales Early Career Researcher Colloquium
I facilitated the organisation of this annual event in Bangor University and was the host, invited member of the adjudicating panel for the poster presentations, and presented the prize
18 Jun 2024
Activity: Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course (Speaker) - Find your inner Dragon
wellbeing for the elderly: Find your inner dragon
17 Jun 2024
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation (Contributor) - Emotions in Medieval Romance
A double plenary (1 hour each) delivered with Prof. Sif Rikhardsdottir, University of Iceland
9 Apr 2024
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Holding Time in Your Hands: A Medieval Best-Seller and Its audiences'
Lecture in the Centre for Arthurian Studies 2023-24 series, sponsored by the Bangor Fund and 140th anniversary events and part of the collaborative international project with Rossell Hope Robbins Library, Rochester, US
19 Mar 2024
Activity: Oral presentation (Speaker)
- 10th Triennial International Chronicle Society conference
I gave a research conference paper
10 Jun 2023
Activity: Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course (Speaker) - Legends in Medieval Manuscripts: The Gentry and Political Discourse, 1300-1500
Invited public lecture in the Public Lecture Series 'Romanian Academics in the United Kingdom'
29 May 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation (Contributor) - Borders and Margins:the Copying and Circulation of Chronicles in Medieval England
1-hour specialist lecture to the research group Space -Medieval to Renaissance at the inaugural event
14 Apr 2023
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Medieval to Renaissance Borders international seminar
invited guest research lecture (inaugural lecture)
14 Apr 2023
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - King Arthur: historical figure or literary one
podcast interview for Week Junior: Science and Nature magazine, on their website Mysteries
24 Mar 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation (Contributor) - What do we need to know about the Prose Brut tradition and why? A medieval best-seller and modern scholarly ‘silence’
A 50-minute guest lecture in the inaugural research lecture series organised by Lambeth Palace Library
9 Mar 2023
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - What do we need to know about the Prose Brut tradition and why? A medieval best-seller and modern scholarly ‘silence’
An hour-long public research lecture on the vast manuscript tradition of the Brut Chronicle and its importance for our understanding of medieval prose writing. Included 6 manuscripts from the Lambeth Palace Library and examples from over 40 manuscripts
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- International Arthurian Society North American Branch Conference within the Symposium for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University
Invited conference paper presenter in a special session, paper title 'Legacy in Malory's Morte Arthur and the Legacy of Fiona Tolhurst's scholarship'
21 Jun 2022
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker)
- 17th Early Book Society conference
Organiser and host of the prestigious biennial international conference of the Early Book Society
12 Jul 2021
Activity: Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course (Speaker) - Brepols Publishers (Publisher)
Member of the editorial board for the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Early Books 'Texts and Transitions'
Jun 2021 →
Activity: Editorial activity (Editorial board member)
- Holding History in your Hands: the Brut chronicles and their readers - MEMORI seminar series, Cardiff U
invited research talk at the MEMORI seminar series, Cardiff University
21 Nov 2019
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Emotion and Religion in Malory, at 'Malory at 550' international conference, Acadia U, Canada
conference paper in the 'Malory and Religion' panel at 'Malory at 550' conference, Acadia University
7 Aug 2019
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Chronicle books as family treasure: the Brut beyond the modern 'coffee table book' at Harlaxton international medieval symposium
invited conference paper at the international Harlaxton symposium on medieval studies 'The Book as Object, Idea and Symbol'
20 Jul 2019
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Emotions and the World of Arthurian Romance and Chronicle at 90th anniversary international conference of Belgrade U Dept of English
Plenary speaker (one of three) at the annual conference of the department, celebrating 90 years since the department was founded. Attended by 250.
29 Jun 2019
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- Narrer Arthur après Geoffroi: emotions, langages et pouvoir, Centre for Medieval Studies, Univ of Poitiers, France
12 Nov 2018
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Writing History, Writing Romance in Late Medieval England: Navigating Texts with Extensive Manuscript Traditions, invited plenary at Lisbon U international conference
1 Jun 2018
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - King Arthur in the Book: Arthurian treasures in the Bangor University and Flintshire Harries Collections
A guest lecture at the invitation of the Flintshire Historical Society
The lecture covered the development of the Arthurian legends from their earliest evidence to the present day through a journey covering manuscript and printed books from among the treasures of the Centre for Arthurian Studies collections, bringing together Bangor University collections and the Flintshire Harries collection. Among other, the impact of the talk is that the society is planning its annual trip in 2019 to be to visit the Centre for Arthurian Studies.
Underpinning research: My research into the medieval to modern material contexts in which Arthurian legends survive informed this talk, in particular my work on the Grail quest and chronicle accounts of Arthur's feats of arms.
Beneficiaries: Flintshire Historical Society (70+ in attendance) and guests (friends and local community) attended the lecture - educated audiences, the general public.
24 Mar 2018
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- Medieval Fun Day
Medieval Fun Day
An educational event was initiated and organised by myself with John Sherlock, custodian of Caernarfon castle (CADW), administrative support from the College of Arts and Humanities and Bangor University Library and Archive Services, which brought more than 500 primary school children and their teachers from the local schools into the castle to learn from academic research on manuscript books, storytelling, history, design, and performance /art.
Underpinning research: My research into late medieval culture, and in particular the reading of manuscript books including Arthurian legends, and the making of such books informed the workshops I gave to the pupils and their teachers (in groups of 50); my publications on these topics informed my impact work and they were the very reason why John Sherlock contacted me to organise the event.
Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries were primary school pupils aged 6-10 from the local schools and their teachers, but also staff at the castle and staff and postgraduate/undergraduate students from Bangor University who helped. The reach of this impact activity has gone beyond the numbers (500 pupils), as the letter attached shows: John talks about CADW Continuing Learning picking up the model and spreading it across Wales, and about a visible increase in visits to the castle by members of the local community who learned either first hand, from the participants, or from the local press.
28 Jun 2017
Activity: Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course (Speaker) - Henry Barton, Henry Lovelich and the Patronage of Arthurian romance’ at ‘Henry Barton Heritage Day', Worshipful Company of Skinners
23 Apr 2017
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- ‘Legendary history and the land: vernacular chronicles in fifteenth-century England’, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds
Invited Opening lecture in the short guest lecture series of the Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds
4 Oct 2016
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - British Branch conference of the International Arthurian Society
Invited Plenary lecture
12 Aug 2016
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker) - New Chaucer Society Bi-annual Congress
Conference paper 'Cambridge University Library MS ff.2.38 and the Household' in the session 'Household Knowledges'
Jul 2016
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker)
- King Arthur Family Day
King Arthur family day
A family educational event was organised by Bangor University Library and Archive Services, and the School of English Literature, through support from the Widening Participation fund and the College of Arts and Humanities.
Learning about medieval manuscript production through demonstrations; learning about medieval life (cooking, writing, sword-fighting, medieval drama performance, and craft).
Underpinning research: Research and publication in Arthurian studies and medieval manuscripts is key to Prof. Radulescu's profile, and she shared her expertise at an age appropriate level throughout this event, through talks and demonstrations.
Beneficiaries: the community - families with children of all ages, students and staff
27 Jun 2015
Activity: Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course (Speaker) - John Cok and the Guildhall scribal circles
25 Jun 2015
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Public launch of Flintshire Harries Arthurian Collection
A public lecture and a public exhibition were organised on the occasion of the donation of the internationally-known Flintshire Harries Arthurian Collection to Bangor University Library, facilitated by myself (was contacted directly by Simon Gotts, at the time responsible for the collection).
Summary: Through the public lecture and exhibition, which was accompanied by guided tours for a few months, as well as high visibility in the national press (article in the Conversation, Times Higher, as well as locally in the Bangor press and Golwg), Bangor's excellence in research in Arthurian studies was disseminated.
Underpinning research: Bangor's international research and teaching reputation in Arthurian studies, in particular in the areas of English, comparative literature and Welsh studies was the focus of this impact. In particular this impact continues the activities submitted in REF2014, with long-standing international excellence in the editions, monographs and other critical work produced by Prof. P.J.C.Field, and Prof.Raluca Radulescu.
Beneficiaries: students, staff, general public - local and national; some international (via the Conversation article)
25 Apr 2015
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition (Contributor) - The Politics of Emotion in Fifteenth-century England: the Case of Malory’s Morte Darthur
invited lecture
10 Feb 2015
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- Journal of the International Arthurian Society (Journal)
General (elected editor
25 Jul 2011 – 25 Jul 2017
Activity: Editorial activity (Editorial board member)
01/01/2024 – 17/04/2024 (Finished)
01/05/2012 – 31/10/2012 (Finished)
Spiritual Journeys Through Political Landscapes
01/07/2010 – 31/08/2012 (Finished)
Other Information
I have recently been elected Vice President of the International Arthurian Society (2021-24). Prior to that service to the profession has included being elected President of the British Branch of the International Arthurian Society (2015-18) and elected founding Editor of the Journal of the International Arthurian Society for two terms (2011-17) and editor of the Annual Bibliography of the International Arthurian Society (2011-15).
I have been a member of the committee of the Association for Manuscripts and Archives in Research Collections (AMARC) for 15 years (2006-21), and an AHRC peer review college member for ten years (2007-2017). I sat on the AHRC panels for individual fellowships, Main grants and Leadership Fellows for several years, and I have been an assessor of HERA applications.
I am external examiner of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and have examined more than 12 PhD theses as external examiner at several HEI institutions in the UK and abroad.
I am a regular consultant and contributor to radio and TV programmes in the UK and internationally on the Arthurian legend and medieval studies. I have written articles for The Conversation (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020), and given interviews for the local and national press.
Most recently, my consultancy with Royal Mail has resulted in a limited series of stamps on the topic of Arthurian legends, and an associated article in their Yearbook (2021).
Other invited lectures and media appearances include:
- 2019 guest lectures at the University of Belgrade and several invited papers
- 2018 guest lectures at University of Düsseldorf, University of Lisbon (as plenary speaker at conference), Flintshire Historical Association
- 2017 guest speaker at Bradford International Literature festival
- 2017 public lecture at the Skinners' Guild, London
- 2016 invited public lecture at the Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds
- 2016 initiator and co-organiser of 'Medieval Fun Day' primary schools event in Caernarfon castle (CADW)
- 2015 initiator and co-organiser of 'King Arthur Family day' at Bangor University Library
- 2015: interview with BBC radio Wales, on the 'Today programme' (13 April 2015)
- 2015: interview with ABC Radio, Australian national broadcast, on the 'Overnight programme', on King Arthur and Arthurian legends
- 2015: Curator of the public exhibition 'The Arthurian Legend: Past and Present in Conversation in the Bangor Rare Books Collection and the Flintshire Harries Arthurian Collection' (13 April- 7 May); guided tours
- 2015: Co-organiser, with Bangor University Library, of the event 'Celebrating 50 years of Arthurian Studies at Bangor University', including a public lecture, given by guest Dr Roger Simpson
- 2014: Initiator and member of the working party who facilitated the donation of the Flintshire Harries Arthurian Collection to Bangor University Library, in collaboration with Bangor University Library
- 2013: Literary tour of North Wales (Arthurian romance) organised by Literature Wales and the Welsh Tourism Board
- 2011: 'Sword in the Stone' documentary for the National Geographic TV Channel, in the series The Ancient X-Files
- 2010 Invited on the ‘Authoring Arthur’ special event organised by the Royal Shakespeare Company in connection with the staging of Sir Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur
- 2009 BBC Radio consultant on the Tennyson programme and Arthurian myth
- BBC radio consultancy on medieval pilgrimage, medieval romance
Peer Recognition
- 2015 reviewer for HERA and AHRC panels
- 2012- external examiner for UG and PG programmes in medieval and early modern literature at two universities (UK and abroad)
- 2009 - external examiner for research theses in a number of UK HEI and abroad
- 2011, 2012 invited to sit on the AHRC panels for Fellowships and Main Grants (Languages and Literatures)
- 2002-10 elected member of the committee of the British Branch of the International Arthurian Society
- 2006-8 UK and Ireland Liaison Officer, CARMEN (Confederation for the Advancement of Research through a Medieval European Network)
- 2006: member of the research committee on the Winchester Malory project (with De Montfort and the British Library)
- 2002-7: Research Associate, Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris (LAMOP), Conseil National de Recherche Scientifique, Sorbonne, Paris
I hold degrees from the University of Manchester (PhD, MPhil in English medieval literature) and the University of Bucharest (BA joint honours in English language, literature, linguistics and culture and Romanian language, literature and culture) and have taught at the University of Manchester, Trinity College Dublin and University François Rabelais, Tours.
I was a research fellow at New Europe College, Institute for Advanced Studies, Bucharest, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris) and the Huntington Library (as Andrew Mellon fellow) and a visiting researcher at Harvard University.