Master of Environmental Science Dissertation 2024-25
School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
60 credits
Module Organiser:
Prysor Williams
The content of the dissertation may vary considerably between each project, but will obviously all relate to environmental science / management / forestry. It is an independent piece of work, on a topic chosen by the student, in conjunction with their supervisor.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold - A dissertation that adds original information to an existing body of work. An introduction that states the objectives of the study and the hypotheses to be tested in it. A literature review that covers the fundamentals of the chosen topic. A clear description of the methods used to collect and analyse data / information. Clearly presented results. A discussion that shows understanding of the results and puts them into context. Satisfactory presentation: tables and figures correctly numbered and labelled; a complete set of references.
-good - All of the above as described for 'threshold', but to a higher level on all fronts.
-excellent -A dissertation that deals with a potentially difficult topic on which relatively little work has been done. An introduction that shows originality in the choice of topic, states the objectives of the study and the hypotheses to be tested in it. A literature review showing excellent understanding and knowledge of the chosen topic. A clear description of the methods used to collect and analyse data / information. Clearly presented results. A discussion that shows understanding, much original thought, and makes imaginative suggestions about the possible applications of the findings and further areas of research. Excellent presentation: well written; tables and figures correctly numbered and labelled; a comprehensive set of references.
Learning Outcomes
- An ability to communicate research findings clearly and comprehensively, in writing, to a specialist readership.
- An ability to critically evaluate current research in the same area.
- An ability to draw valid conclusions from systematically-collected information and data, even if these are incomplete.
- Comprehensive understanding of their area of research, including a practical understanding of the relevant research techniques.
- Self-direction, motivation and originality in pursuing a line of research.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Final Dissertation - this is a write-up of your work, in the form of an academic paper for a journal. It will include the necessary figures and tables to illustrate your points.
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
This will be an oral presentation of your Dissertation to all other students on the module. It will cover all the major parts of your work. This will be aided by an earlier presentation given to the class that is formatively marked - giving you valuable feedback ahead of the final assessed presentation.
Due date