Located at the base of Bangor University’s historic main University building, the project will make the area a more accessible and user-friendly space for the local community.
Funded through the Welsh Government’s ‘Transforming Towns’ programme, in collaboration with Cyngor Gwynedd, works will include a new entrance to the park off Deiniol Road, a new pathway linking the city with main University building, and Pontio, as well as the installation of lighting to improve accessibility to the park after dusk.
The first phase of the work which included thinning out some of the wooded area in the park and addressing invasive species has been has already been completed. This work has increased visibility, creating better views and encouraging growth wild plants and flowers.
While the work is being carried out, from mid-January to early June all footpaths into and through the park will be closed, but a diversion route for walkers will be in place.
Professor Andrew Edwards, Deputy Vice-Chancellor said:
“We are fortunate to have such a large green space close to the city centre, which provides a green ‘land-bridge’ between the University and city. The land was given to the University by the city when the main University building was built at the beginning of the last century, and we hope that the transformation of the park will make a significant contribution to the regeneration of the city centre. We apologise to users of the park for any inconvenience that may be caused while the works are being undertaken, but we hope that the new park will be a space that existing and new users will thoroughly enjoy using upon completion later in the year.”
Cllr Medwyn Hughes, Cabinet Member for Economy, Cyngor Gwynedd added:
“We are delighted to collaborate with Bangor University and Welsh Government on the College Park project which will bring key improvements to an important green space within the city centre. The project also forms part of a wider regeneration strategy for Bangor city centre and hope that further investments will be forthcoming in due course”.