International Prize for Professor
Stefan Machura, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, has received the International Prize Honorable Mention 2020 of the Law and Society Association (LSA) “in recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the field of law and society." The LSA is based in the USA but its membership is all over the globe. It is the internationally leading scholarly association in this field.
Stefan works at the School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Bangor University on topics such as lay judges in courts, on fairness and legitimacy of courts and the police, and on law in film and television.
On the lighter side of scholarship, Stefan in July published an article with Olga Litvinova, Honorary Research Fellow at Bangor University, on conflict and law in the comedy series Frasier.
Another publication in this summer describes Niklas Luhmann's theory of "legitimation by procedure" from 1969 and why in the light of more recent research it needs to be stressed that "legitimation by fair procedures" is required. The article was published in German in the Soziale Systeme journal.
Well done, Stefan!
Publication date: 23 July 2020