Knowledge Transfer Partnership Awarded Certificate of Excellence
The Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) between Bangor University and Isle of Anglesey County Council which ran from 2007 to September 2010 has been awarded the highest grade of 'Outstanding' by the KTP Grading Panel for its achievement in meeting KTP's objectives. The study 'to enhance the design and provision of older people's physical activity programmes on Anglesey to increase participation and effectiveness; establishment of a valid evaluation strategy' was carried out by MPhil student Gareth Parry. Gareth was supervised by SHES staff Dr David Markland and Dr Jeanette Thom, and Mr Brian Jones, the Council’s Older People Strategy Coordinator.
Some facts:
- A third year module, "Healthy Aging", was rewritten from a theory based module to include practical applications. This enables students to conduct health and physical tests on older people.
- The Council gained an Excellence Wales award from the WLGA.
- Excellent opportunities for collaboration have been formed, providing access to a previously hard to reach population to enable research in the area of age related health and well-being.
- The KTP provided the Council with evidence that supports the value of investing in preventative services for older people.
For a report on the 'Age Well Anglesey' conference in July 2010, jointly hosted by SHES and the Isle of Anglesey County Council to celebrate the end of the KTP, click here.
Publication date: 2 February 2012