Prizes for Bangor Forestry Students
Joanna Jervis (right) receiving the 2014 Best Student Award from Rachel Chamberlain (left) of the Institute of Chartered Foresters, watched by Bangor University forestry staff
Tim Peters (right) receiving the 2014 Bangor Bursary from Sir Jack Whitaker (left), President of the Royal Forestry Society (photograph courtesy of Les Starling)The achievements of two Bangor forestry students have been recognised by the Institute of Chartered Foresters and the Royal Forestry Society.
Joanna Jervis received the Institute of Chartered Foresters’ Best Student Award for 2014. Joanna says that she “chose to study forestry at Bangor University, not only because of its long established track record in the subject (110 years and still going strong!) but also because of the fantastic location … . I am honoured to have been presented with this award and would like to thank both the ICF and Bangor University”.
Tim Peters received the Royal Forestry Society’s 2014 “Bangor Bursary” for the best final year forestry project. Tim was also awarded a first class honours degree in Forestry and says that “getting a first was by no means expected … It is as a result of ... the … teaching staff that this year’s results are so good”.
Congratulations to Joanna and Tim, and thanks to the Institute of Chartered Foresters and the Royal Forestry Society for making the awards and helping us to celebrate our students’ achievements.
Publication date: 15 August 2014