SEACAMS Round Wales Business Event
RV Prince MadogSustainable Expansion of the Applied Coastal and Marine Sectors (SEACAMS), an ambitious project to support a whole range of coastal and marine related industries, sets sail around Wales to promote its services to businesses in June. The SEACAMS team are ‘launching’ their project at a number of venues round Wales in June, starting with an opportunity to meet the team aboard the RV ‘Prince Madog’, at Menai Bridge on the 8 June. The ‘Prince Madog’ will then set sail, visiting Swansea on the 13 June and Cardiff on the 15 June. The team are holding shore-based exhibitions at all venues including Aberystwyth on the 16 June.
The ‘Round Wales Business Event’ will raise the profile of the exciting and ambitious SEACAMS project and the importance of sustainable marine businesses to the economic future of Wales. “The SEACAMS project is run jointly by the Universities of Bangor, Swansea and Aberystwyth to build a stronger partnership between academia and Welsh business,” said Professor Colin Jago, Director of SEACAMS and Head of the College of Natural Sciences at Bangor University.
The Seacams team at Bangor University's School of Ocean SciencesAt every ‘Business Event’ there will be a coastal and marine sector exhibition and a chance to talk to the SEACAMS experts about the project and how the wide range of marine expertise and facilities available in SEACAMS can benefit businesses.
“We are pushing to develop Wales as a global centre for coastal and marine science and technology – come and join us to see the cutting edge of marine science in action,” says Dr Gay Mitchelson-Jacob, SEACAMS Project Manager.
The marine business community of Wales are invited to join the SEACAMS team at any one of these free business events. Falling within the UK Universities Week (13 to 19 June), and under the ‘Big Ideas for Business’ heading, the events are one example of the many ways that universities and businesses collaborate throughout the country. These relationships help to boost the local economy throughout the UK.
The itinerary is:
8 June - School of Ocean Sciences, Menai Bridge 3pm-6pm
Exhibition and on-board the Research Vessel Prince Madog
13 June - National Waterfront Museum, Swansea 3pm-6pm
Exhibition and on-board the Research Vessels Prince Madog and Noctiluca
15 June - Techniquest, Cardiff 5pm-7pm
Exhibition and on-board the Research Vessels Prince Madog and Noctiluca
16 June - Band Stand, North Beach Promenade, Aberystwyth 4pm-6.30pm
Exhibition and meet the team (No ship visit as no safe berthing)
SEACAMS welcome all businesses but it is essential that businesses book their place at the other events by calling 01248 382 888 or emailing
The SEACAMS project is designed to support Welsh coastal and marine business through collaboration between academics, individuals and enterprises by assisting research pilots and feasibility studies. “Our aim is to assist SMEs, providing them with access to expertise and facilities they may not have and thus help to expand the number of jobs and economic activity in the marine sector,” says Professor Jago.
The safe berthing of the Research Vessels Prince Madog and Noctiluca is dependent on favourable weather conditions.
SEACAMS is part-funded from the European Regional Development fund through the Welsh European Funding Office, part of the Welsh Government
Publication date: 8 June 2011