Successful NRCF application for 21 radiocarbon dates
Dr Kate Waddington has been successful in obtaining a NRCF (NERC Radiocarbon Facility) grant for 21 radiocarbon dates to provide a detailed chronological sequence of the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age hilltop enclosure of Meillionydd (this relates to the Eastern Area Excavation, Seasons 2010-2014).
When the dates are available, they will be combined with a Bayesian statistical model in order to provide a refined sequence of dates, particularly important for those samples which fall on the earlier Iron Age radiocarbon plateau (dating from c. 800-400 cal. BC). Without the assistance of Bayesian analysis, samples falling on this radiocarbon plateau typically produce unhelpfully broad date ranges spanning c. 800-400 BC, meaning that little information can be provided on the phasing of settlement deposits, houses and boundaries.
This work will provide the first Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates for the Iron Age in Wales, and it will complement existing chronological work tackling the Iron Age plateau that is already underway on hillforts in England and Scotland.
Publication date: 22 November 2017