Miss Eva Mitchell
Position: MRes Student
Office: Environment Centre Wales (2nd Floor) (Ecosystems and Environment Group)
School of Natural Sciences
Deiniol Road
LL57 2UW
Email: eva.mitchell@bangor.ac.uk
ResearchGate: www.researchgate.net/profile/Eva-Mitchell-2

Project: KESS 2 East, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water research on Legacy Phosphorus from biosolids application to land
Supervisors: Prof Davey Jones & Prof Dave Chadwick
- MSc: Environmental Management, Food Security
Lancaster University, 2018–2020
Research Interests
Lancaster University, MSc dissertation, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Argentinian pasture soils in a chrono-sequence. Measuring carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from soil incubations using Flame Ionization Detection gas chromatography, supervised by Professor Mariana Rufino.
Wageningen University, MSc Erasmus project; Integrated Pest Management, a comparison of yield and athropod populations in intercropped and block planted cabbage fields in Lelystad, Broekemahove farm, the Netherlands.
Plant and Food Research, Blenheim, New Zealand, assisting with Viticulture research.
Richards, Moorehead and Laing Ltd, Denbighshire, assisting on a research project focusing on the performance of willow as an engineering material for reducing soil erosion.
Centre for Alternative Land Use, Flintshire, assisting with compost research trials.
Manchester University, BSc 3rd year project: phytoremediation of Cadmium and Zinc, supervised by Professor Giles Johnson
Other Information
Previous Notable Roles
Technical Operations Technician
Performing immunoassays in connection with Technical Operations investigations/projects. Interpreting and performing basic statistical analysis on data generated, summarising and presenting the results of experiments. Performing specific Technical Operations GLP responsibilities and ensuring all documentation is completed to the required quality standards and in a timely manner.
Sustainable Constructed Environments Training Provider
Creating modules for HNC/D on topics including Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, green roofs and walls, sustainable landscape design and edible landscapes. Attending and contributing to steering group meetings, making contacts with relevant companies in the field and attending conferences as a representative of the project. Drafting the sustainability policy for the college.
Volunteer positions
Kew Gardens, Richmond, London
Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses, Herne Hill, London