The human brain is the most complex object in the known universe. To better understand it, researchers have turned to computers to simulate, model, and test its workings. This relationship, however, is not one-sided: computer science has been profoundly shaped by the study of the human brain and mind. For instance, the algorithms behind everyday technologies such as predictive text, photo categorisation, and conversational AI are the direct result of cognitive scientists’ efforts to understand dreams, vision, and child language development.
This seminar will explore the co-evolution of the study of the human brain, mind, and behaviour alongside AI and computer science. From distant origins in ancient myth, to Alan Turing’s groundbreaking ideas, to modern cutting-edge systems like ChatGPT, we will examine how cognitive science has driven innovation in computer science and explore the limitations of current AI as a model of the human brain, mind, and behaviour.
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This session will be delivered through the medium of English.
This webinar session is part of the Psychology at Bangor Webinar Series.
Dr Sam Jones
Lecturer in Psychology
Speech, language, and communication skills are essential to human wellbeing. Currently funded by the Royal Society, my research aims to improve our understanding of neurological disorders affecting these skills through behavioural experimentation and computational modelling, with the goal of improving clinical assessment, intervention, and rehabilitation.