We’re keen to ensure you are offered suitable accommodation. If you require an adapted room (see below) or have any other disability-related accommodation needs, please get in touch with Disability Services. They can also discuss things such as fridges for medication, our vibrating pager system for the fire alarms, room proximity to the laundrettes, ground floor / lift access etc.
It’s best to discuss your needs before you apply for your Halls room so that we can offer appropriate accommodation. Please do this as early as possible.
You can contact Disability Service Tel. 44 (0)1248 382032 or email disabilityservice@bangor.ac.uk.
Adapted Rooms
These larger en-suite rooms are wheelchair accessible, with larger shower rooms fitted with handrails, shower seats and emergency pull cords. The kitchens also contain adaptations for wheelchair users. You may view a typical accessible room here.
Personal Care Support:
If you require a live-in carer, it is essential that you include this information in your application. We can also arrange access for carers to visit your Halls room. It is important to note that students must make their own arrangements for personal care support. More information can be found here: Personal Care Support.
Your application
If your disability-related needs affect your room choice, please mention this in your application. This will help us provide an appropriate room or explore suitable alternatives if your first choice isn’t available. Additionally, please ensure you discuss your needs with the Disability Service.
It’s also important to mention anything that may impact your Health and Safety or the Health and Safety of those around you.