Module ACC-3107:
Advanced Audit
Advanced Audit 2024-25
Ysgol Busnes Bangor
Modiwl - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Debbie Gilliland
The course will cover the following:
External auditor's report with qualified, unqualified opinion and emphasis of matter paragraphs.
Internal audit reports.
Selected case studies.
Professional code of conduct and code of ethics for auditors.
Selected international standards on auditing.
Using the work of an expert.
Final audit review.
Contemporary issues in auditing.
Professional liability of auditors.
Quality control.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -D- to D+ (40-49%): No major omissions or inaccuracies in the deployment of information/skills. Some grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Integration of theory/practice/information present intermittently in pursuit of the assessed work's objectives.
-good -B- to B+ (60-69%): Very good performance Most of the relevant information accurately deployed. Good grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work's objectives. Evidence of the use of creative and reflective skills.
-excellent -A- to A+ (70%+): Outstanding Performance. The relevant information accurately deployed. Excellent grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practice elements. Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work's objectives. Strong evidence of the use of creative and reflective skills.
-another level-C- to C+ (50-59%): Much of the relevant information and skills mostly accurately deployed. Adequate grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Fair integration of theory/practice/information in the pursuit of the assessed work's objectives. Some evidence of the use of creative and reflective skills.
Learning Outcomes
- Analyse the reliability of work by experts, including internal audit, for external auditors.
- Apply professional ethics, including the Code of Conduct to advances scenarios that include a discussion on the auditor's liability in relation to frauds, errors and material uncorrected misstatements in financial statements.
- Evaluate the importance of the final review of audit evidence obtained, through evaluation of audit evidence to draft suitable reports, such as external audit reports, management letters, and internal audit reports, of varying nature.
- Recognise the impact of the legal and regulatory environment on audit and assurance practice to evaluate suitable quality control policies and procedures in general audit practice.
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
Students will attempt a one-hour long test. The test will require students to attempt theoretical questions to check their understanding of key concepts. The tests allow students to receive continuous feedback in relation to their progress in the course.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Group Assignment: Students will dividend into groups to complete this task. Groups should now have more than four members. The total word count for the full report should be within 4000 words, 1000 words per student (+/- 10%). The assignment will require students to perform a detailed analysis of a case study as advised by the lecturer. Marks in group assignments are allocated based on both individual contributions and the group's overall performance. Each member needs to specify their individual contribution to the project by identifying a specific task or responsibility that was carried out. The group's overall performance is assessed based on, among others: attainment of assignment objectives, flow between sections, overall presentation of the assignment, and quality of references used.
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
Students will attempt an unseen two-hour long examination paper. The paper will consist of theoretical and practical questions testing student's knowledge of core topics covered throughout the semester.