Module BIC-0009:
Physics 2
Physics 2 (Electricity and Fields) 2024-25
Bangor University International College (Department)
Module - Semester 1 & 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Tom Ledbury
Following Physics 1, this module continues to provide the appropriate foundation in Physics knowledge and related practical skills to enable you to be successful in your planned undergraduate studies in the fields of engineering and computer science.
The main topics covered are:
Electricity and Electronics: Current and charge; Potential difference; voltage; key equations
Fields and their effects: Fields; their nature, strength and forces; Potential and potential energy in fields; Graphs and diagrams of field strength and potential; intermolecular fields; Electrical and gravitational fields from spheres and points; Earth’s ‘uniform’ gravitational field; Launching satellites from earth; Uniform electric fields; Capacitance of parallel plates and isolated spheres; Measuring magnetic fields and their forces; Using magnetic field formulae; Principles of electromagnetic induction; Calculating flux; Magnetic/electric circuit analogy; Inductance and transformers; Electromagnetic fields.
Data Analysis: Units and dimensions; Graphs; Errors.
Practical skills: Written procedures, investigative processes, equipment safety, recording observations, presenting findings.
Assessment Strategy
Threshold (40-49% / D- to D+) Has shown knowledge of key areas and principles but there is a weakness in understanding the subject area. Limited ability to apply subject knowledge to different scenarios or solve problems. There are many weakness in the presentation of written work and use of appropriate subject-specific terminology is limited.
Satisfactory (50–59% / C- to C+) Has shown knowledge of the key areas and principles and the main elements of the subject area are understood. Can apply subject knowledge to different scenarios and solve problems but with some errors. There are some weaknesses in presentation of written work and use of subject-specific terminology is developing.
Good (60-69% / B- to B+) Has shown a strong knowledge and understands most of the subject area. Can apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios and solve problems with few errors. The presentation of written work is good and use of subject-specific terminology well-developed.
Excellent (70%-100% / A- to A*) Has shown a comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding of the subject area. Can apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios and solve problems with few errors. The presentation of written work is excellent and use of subject-specific terminology is very well developed.
Learning Outcomes
- Carry out experiments on electricity in order to confirm theory and write up findings appropriately
- Carry out scientific calculations using a consistent set of units
- Demonstrate an understanding of fields and their effects and apply the theoretical framework to solve mathematical and practical problems
- Demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical bases of electricity and begin to apply them to practical problems met in engineering, for example instrumentation, and computing
Assessment method
Assessment type
independent Lab report based on a practical session held in small groups.
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
Final unseen exam based on the content covered within lessons