Module BIC-3225:
Management in Context
Management in Context 2024-25
Bangor University International College (Department)
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Halimatun Aris
The main aim of this module is to develop a greater understanding of some of the key activities and functions associated with establishing and managing a business. You will consider the legal bases of different types of businesses and, within these, the nature and impact of different styles of management and leadership. You are introduced to the fields of operations management and organisational behaviour within business and consider how businesses introduces and manage change.
Topics studied in this module include:
- introduction to organisational behaviour
- different types of businesses, ownership models, legal bases, shareholders
- social and environmental responsibilities
- leadership concept
- transformation process, performance objectives, and operations strategy,
- managing change,
- meaning of organisational culture, cultural analysis models, the role of HR in managing change
Assessment Strategy
Threshold (50%–59% / C- to C+) Has shown knowledge of the key areas and principles and the main elements of the subject area are understood. Fair integration of theory/ practice/ information in the assessed work. Report shows limited evidence of background study and research and there is some irrelevant material and weakness in structure.
Good (60%-69% / B- to B+) Has shown a strong knowledge and understands most of the subject area. Good integration of theory/practice/information in the assessed work. Report shows evidence of background study and research and the answer is focussed with a good structure.
Excellent (70%-100% / A- to A*) Has shown a comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding of the subject area. Excellent integration of theory/practice/information in the assessed work. Report shows extensive background study and research and the answer is highly focussed and well-structured.
Learning Outcomes
- Communicate theories around organisational behaviour and operations management
- Critically assess how different legal frameworks within businesses may be established
- Evaluate theories and practices of leadership within a business
- Identify the limitations of the fields of study and their application within the practical business environment
Assessment method
Assessment type
Report on a topic specific to the field of study, investigating limitations and their application within the business environment. Marked individually, using the IIM marking criteria.
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
Unseen exam testing module content. You will be critically assessing provided legal frameworks, communicate theories around organizational behaviour and operation management, and will be asked to provide evaluations on theories and practices of leadership. The exam includes MCQ, short answer, and essay questions.