Module ICE-3703:
Machine Learning
Machine Learning 2024-25
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Mosab Bazargani
This module is divided into two main parts: machine learning fundamentals and modern practices. In the first part, we will cover the basics, including regression, classification, structural analysis, and density estimation. The second part will focus on modern topics, particularly Neural Networks and Deep Learning, which have become the preferred methods for solving various machine learning problems.
Indicative content includes:
- Explain and apply the fundamental notions and principles of machine learning.
- Detail and apply various regression and classification models.
- Detail and apply density estimation and clustering algorithms to data sets.
- Explain methodologies such as overfitting, underfitting, error estimation, ROC curves, transformation, and Ensembles.
- Introduction to neural network models and their training procedures.
- Explain tensor data processing
- Explain linear regression with automatic differentiation,
- Explain single-layer neural networks, and multilayer perceptrons.
- Explain convolutional neural networks.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Equivalent to 40%.Uses key areas of theory or knowledge to meet the Learning Outcomes of the module. Is able to formulate an appropriate solution to accurately solve tasks and questions. Can identify individual aspects, but lacks an awareness of links between them and the wider contexts. Outputs can be understood, but lack structure and/or coherence.
-good -Equivalent to the range 60%-69%.Is able to analyse a task or problem to decide which aspects of theory and knowledge to apply. Solutions are of a workable quality, demonstrating understanding of underlying principles. Major themes can be linked appropriately but may not be able to extend this to individual aspects. Outputs are readily understood, with an appropriate structure but may lack sophistication.
-excellent -Equivalent to the range 70%+.Assemble critically evaluated, relevant areas of knowledge and theory to constuct professional-level solutions to tasks and questions presented. Is able to cross-link themes and aspects to draw considered conclusions. Presents outputs in a cohesive, accurate, and efficient manner.
Learning Outcomes
- Implement several widely-used Deep Learning architectures.
- Apply the machine learning taxonomy to formulate meaningful questions, and identify appropriate techniques to address them.
- Apply the methodology needed to build and evaluate machine learning solutions.
- Describe the theoretical underpinnings of Neural Networks, gradient-based optimisation and automatic differentiation as a tool for modern AI.
- Detail and apply structural analysis (clustering) and density estimation (unsupervised learning).
- Detail and apply various regression and basic classification models (supervised learning).
- Discuss the basic notions and principles of machine learning.
- Elaborate on PyTorch, one of the most popular Deep Learning frameworks in both Academia and Industry.
Assessment method
Assessment type
A collection of small problems based on the second half of the module. Hand-crafted solutions and short Python code solutions are expected.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
A collection of small problems based on the first half of the module. Hand-crafted solutions and short Python code solutions are expected.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
2-hour exam consisting of theoretical questions and problems to solve by hand, similar to those presented in the labs, exercises, and assignments.
Due date