Module ICL-2018:
Engineering Maintenance (WB)
Engineering Maintenance (WB) (Rhos) 2024-25
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Josh Davies
Indicative content includes:
Manufacturing systems engineering
- Understand the basic principles of machine tool operation, including maintenance, repair and condition monitoring
- Understand the basic principles of tool and fixture design for automated operations and be able to design simple fixtures and robot end effectors.
Reliability centred maintenance
- Understand the importance of reliability centred maintenance (RCM) strategies and how they are implemented in industrial plant
- Critically evaluate a system, carry out an RCM analysis and produce a maintenance improvement plan
- Understand the key steps which must be taken to implement the recommendations arising from RCM and TPM strategies
- Understand the terms and definition of asset management standards
- Understand how to use and apply appropriate software to analyse equipment and systems, and support decision making in implementing maintenance strategies
Ageing plant
- Understand the importance of recognising and acting on the signs of plant ageing
- Understand the methods for the detection, measurement, assessment, monitoring and repair of ageing plant and equipment
- Understand the importance to health and safety, plant efficiency and maintenance costs of taking responsibility and control of plant ageing through effective policies and controls
Plant efficiency
- Understand how to scope plant layout to facilitate efficient, effective and productive use of processes, people, space and facilities
- Analyse operations data, and make recommendations to improve plant system efficiency based upon that analysis
Condition based monitoring
- Understand the principles of condition monitoring and its application areas
- Understand different analysis techniques to be able to critically analyse collected data from various monitoring equipment
- Understand typical condition monitoring methods such as vibration analysis, thermography and oil/debris analysis.
- Understand the operation of arrange of sensing techniques, data acquisition and analysis for condition monitoring (including temperature, motion, vibration, electrical conduction, electrical stress
Failure mode effects analysis
- Understand the nature of failure and importance of analysing functional requirements and their effects to identify failure modes of engineering components
- Understand and be able to identify the common modes of failure of engineering components
- Understand the typical FMEA severity ratings, their meanings, and how to apply them in FMEA
Verification of Safety Critical Elements
- Understand the concepts of safety, risk and the role of human factors in the design and operation of safety critical systems
- Understand the nature and role of the safety lifecycle in developing safety related systems
- Understand and apply appropriate hazard identification and analysis techniques for a variety of safety related problems
- Understanding of techniques for specifying and verifying safety critical elements
Non-destructive testing
- Understand the principles, strengths, limitations and applicability of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques (e.g. visual inspection; dye penetrant; magnetic particle; eddy current; ultrasonic and radiography)
- Understand how to implement NDT in maintenance strategies in line with the relevant standards and certification schemes
- Evaluate the NDT techniques available and select the most appropriate one for a given situation/application.
- Understand how to analyse defects to determine if they are critical or dormant and estimate the inspection interval of NDT required.
Maintenance planning
- Understand the use of maintenance planning techniques to ensure that an effective maintenance process is established and monitored.
- Understand maintenance management and planning practices and metrics, and the use of these to drive performance improvement and optimise maintenance task delivery
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Equivalent to 40%.Uses key areas of theory or knowledge to meet the Learning Outcomes of the module. Is able to formulate an appropriate solution to accurately solve tasks and questions. Can identify individual aspects, but lacks an awareness of links between them and the wider contexts. Outputs can be understood, but lack structure and/or coherence.
-good -Equivalent to the range 60%-69%.Is able to analyse a task or problem to decide which aspects of theory and knowledge to apply. Solutions are of a workable quality, demonstrating understanding of underlying principles. Major themes can be linked appropriately but may not be able to extend this to individual aspects. Outputs are readily understood, with an appropriate structure but may lack sophistication.
-excellent -Equivalent to the range 70%+.Assemble critically evaluated, relevant areas of knowledge and theory to constuct professional-level solutions to tasks and questions presented. Is able to cross-link themes and aspects to draw considered conclusions. Presents outputs in a cohesive, accurate, and efficient manner.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe the importance of Condition based monitoring and failure mode analysis within maintenance schedules.
- Explain the importance of Maintenance planning for optimising staff performance and plant & equipment efficiency.
- Understand the importance of reliability centred maintenance, acting on the signs of ageing plant, and perform maintenance to increase plant efficiency.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Plant Maintenance and Efficiency Report A report detailing an understanding of the importance of reliability centred maintenance, ageing plant and plant efficiency.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Monitoring and Safety Report Report detailing the importance of condition based monitoring, failure mode effects analysis, and safety critical elements.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Report detailing the maintenance planning and schedules that is undertaken within their own organisations.