Module KAH-0002:
Arts, Humanities & the future
Arts, Humanities & the future 2024-25
School Of History, Law And Social Sciences
Module - Semester 1
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Briony Collins
People working in the humanities work on “wicked problems”, issues that have no simple or straightforward solution, problems that require creative, evidence-based, critical application. In this module you will learn to apply critical and creative thinking from a history, media, law, literature, philosophy and other humanities disciplines to the challenges our society faces in the 21st century, including those identified by the United Nations as its seventeen “Sustainable Development Goals”, challenges such as gender equality, energy needs and climate change, peace, justice, and biodiversity. During the semester you will develop an appreciation for the value of studying humanities subjects to your own professional development as well as to the wider society.
Every two weeks a new topic sprint will be introduced, based on issues included in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Students will engage with those issues by applying theory and critical methods from different disciplines. Students will engage in online and in-person discussion of the topcis. Weekly specialist sessions by staff from across the academic disciplines will introduce the fundamentals of the discipline. Students will attend a weekly seminar/tutorial to learn methods for investigating the topics covered and applying critical analysis to develop responses.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -D- to D+* Has developed a basic level of factual and conceptual understanding of the subject; Reading/research is limited to that gained through class contact; * There is some evidence of analysis and evaluation but work is mainly descriptive with an uncritical acceptance of information, and unsubstantiated opinions may be evident; Lack of logical development of an argument; * Structure is weak and/or inconsistent and lacking in sequential development; Mistakes in grammar or syntax; Immature style; Citations and bibliography poorly or inconsistently presented; Demonstrates few qualities and transferable skills required for employment; * Can communicate in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s), but with evident weaknesses; * Can work effectively with others as a member of a group, and meet most obligations to others (e; g; tutors and peers); * Able to recognise own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills identified by others, but lacking insight in some areas;
-good -C- to B+* Has developed a sound understanding of the subject appropriate to this level; There is evidence of wider reading which goes beyond that gained from tutor contact; * Intelligent attempt at analysing and evaluating information; Well argued with appropriate amount of evidence, substantiated opinions are given; * Structure is coherent and logical showing progression to the argument; There are few mistakes in presentation or citation; Demonstrates qualities and transferable skills required for employment; * Can communicate effectively in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s); * Can work effectively with others as a member of a group, and meet obligations to others (eg tutors and peers); * Able to evaluate own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills identified by others;
-excellent -__A- to A__ Has developed a broad factual and conceptual understanding of the subject relative to the level through extensive reading; * Has analysed and evaluated information using defined techniques & principles; Can collate and categorise ideas and information and can select what is relevant to support analysis and evaluation and develop a coherent argument, appropriate to the level of development; Has developed an early critical approach to information; * Well-organised presentation which develops flow and progression in a well-structured argument; Syntax/grammar indicates an appropriate level of maturity; Demonstrates a broad range of qualities and transferable skills required for employment; * Can communicate very effectively in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s); * Can work very effectively with others as a member of a group, showing leadership skills where appropriate, and meet all obligations to others (eg tutors and peers);
Learning Outcomes
- Apply multi-disciplinary perspectives to a range of social, political, environmental and cultural issues
- Identify and use digital tools for locating, assessing and presenting information
- Recognize the range of disciplines studied within the Arts & humanities
- Understand the nature and uses of theory in arts & humanities study
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
At end of semester, students prepare a poster + 5-7 minute video presentation on a personal response to topics covered in the module. (Poster = 60%, Presentation = 40%).
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Students post a 500 word critical response to one of the module topics to the module forum and provide peer-feedback to other student posts (30%). Following feedback on the critical response, students submit a 1000 word mini-essay building on the critical response log (70%).
Due date