Module LXE-3101:
Approaching Translation
Approaching Translation 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Jonathan Lewis
This module aims to further develop and consolidate translation skills students have acquired in their language courses. By approaching translation as a process, it examines translation at different textual levels, from the lexico-grammatical level such as words and grammar, to the textual-pragmatic level such as cohesion, register and text types. It provides students with a framework to reflect on the translational difficulties in their languages of study and explore strategies and their implications.
The module combines practical sessions with more theory-based sessions, alternating between the two. Practical sessions will focus on the properties and themes of texts in English, with students discussing in their different language groups strategies of overcoming translation problems posed by each text and different translation possibilities. Theory-based sessions will introduce students to different aspects of translation and the translation process, including translation loss/compensation, cultural aspects of translation and the formal properties of texts. Students will prepare for these sessions by reading the relevant chapters in the essential reading for the module.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -D- - D+: For translation:Comprehension of vocabulary and structures show quite noticeable deficiencies which obscure sense. Very basic overall understanding of source material. Clumsy English; literal rendering impedes sense. Little attempt to reflect stylistic features of the original.For Commentary:A very basic approach. Ideas are unstructured, inadequate knowledge and understanding of source material and target language. Possibly sloppy presentation and little use of available resources. Little appropriate illustration of difficulties and solutions.
-good -C- - B+:For translation:Full comprehension of source material. English style clear and precise. Might be some odd expressions, but sensitive solutions are also presented.For Commentary:A sound presentation of objectives and considerations of source text within a context; competent and sensitive discussion of the nature and status of source text and target language; clear account of reasons for choices and decisions. Competent use of available resources.
-excellent -A- - A*:For translation:No identifiable problems of comprehension. Shows flair for stylistic manipulation of English. Consistent and appropriate stylistic register is maintained. Should give the feeling that the translation cannot be improved.For Commentary:An original interpretative and considered approach to source material. Very well structured and written with clarity and precision. Very well reasoned justification for choices and decisions. Original and analytical assessment of source text.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of different types of difficulties when translating.
- Produce adequate translation into the student’s first language.
- Reason critically and defend translation decisions.
- Recognise that translating occurs with reference to communicative functions, text types and related macro- and micro-textual features
- Use systematic and effective translation strategies.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Essay analysing a published translation of a specific source text that is provided by the module co-ordinator
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Students select a previously unpublished text and produce a 300-word translation of it. The translation is accompanied by a reflective commentary of 500 words, explaining and justifying translation choices.
Due date