Module NAC-2901:
Evidence informed Pract distan
Evidence informed practice D 2024-25
School of Health Sciences
Module - Semester 1
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Tom Graham
• Accountability and professionalism
• Health agendas, legislation, policy and economic context – critical appraisal and inter-professional adaptation.
• Promoting health and preventing ill health
• Decision making – professional autonomy and valuing inter-professional and personal autonomy. Shared decision-making.
• Understanding the concept of evidence, the hierarchy of evidence and application to practice. Sources of research expertise – academia and practice. Applying theory into practice.
• Leading and managing care and working in teams. Learning how to use evidence to lead and coordinating care. Using the evidence base to develop practice and team working.
• Improving safety and quality of care Identification of evidence and critical analysis of evidence informed practice.
• .Evidence informed quality improvement.
• Inter-professional dynamics and their relation to person centred care. Constructive cooperation and managing conflict in teams.
• Continuous learning through reflective practice
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Threshold - Grades: D- to D+ Understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed. Students will be required to achieve a minimum of D- grade in the assignment to in order to pass. -good -Good - Grades: C- to C+ Good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed. Very Good Grades: B- to B+ A very good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed -excellent -Excellent - Grades: A- to A* Excellent understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed.
Learning Outcomes
- Appraise the nature and use of evidence within your own professional practice
- Demonstrate an understanding of evidence informed practice
- Examine partnership working in health and social care
- Examine professional knowledge in relation to inter-professional working
Assessment method
Assessment type
Group presentation
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Evidence appraisal
Due date