Module NHS-4515:
Lead, Innovate & Implement
Lead, Innovate and Implement 2024-25
School of Health Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Elizabeth Mason
The course content includes: • Concepts of quality, leadership and management • Approaches to quality • Clinical audit • Patient safety • Shared decision making/Patient and public role • Inspection • Guidelines/ policy and key drivers • Roles of different parts of the system, system thinking • Outcomes and indicators • Organisation wide approaches • The relationship between clinical governance and safe, effective, person centred care • Understanding core values and shared purpose to promote quality of care • Quality improvement within healthcare, key principles, e.g. systems, processes and individuals • Facilitating and barriers to change • The science of improvement, e.g. LEAN, model for improvement • Measurement for improvement, e.g. data sources such as patient feedback, run charts, adverse incident reports • Contemporary improvement methodologies, e.g. clinical quality indicators. • Safety in healthcare • Human dimensions of quality improvement, e.g. human factors and leading/sustaining improvements • Patient and public involvement as an essential component of quality improvement • Supporting knowledge enhancement to promote quality improvement within own sphere of practice • Innovation in Healthcare.
Assessment Strategy
-good -B- to B+ Grade 60-69% : To achieve a ‘good pass’ on the module, students will be required to demonstrate a good knowledge of and a good ability to critically evaluate quality improvement methodology, change management and leadership skills in relation to national policy/key drivers and the application of these skills to the clinical environment, supported by relevant literature/research.
-excellent -A- to A* Grade: 70%> To achieve an ‘excellent pass’ on the module, students will be required to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of and ability to critically evaluate quality improvement methodology, change management and leadership skills in relation to national policy/key drivers and the application of these skills to the clinical environment, supported by relevant literature/research.
-another level-C- to C+ Grade, 50-59% To achieve a ‘pass’ on the module, students will be required to achieve a minimum of C- grade which requires them to demonstrate some knowledge of and some ability to critically evaluate quality improvement methodology, change management and leadership skills in relation to national policy/key drivers and the application of these skills to the clinical environment, supported by relevant literature/research.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically analyse the quality improvement approaches/methodologies in relation to innovation and the delivery of healthcare and professional practice.
- Critically evaluate and synthesise the concepts and processes of leadership and management, change management, facilitators and barriers to change, staff engagement/communication for change.
- Critically evaluate the national quality assurance, governance, healthcare safety and quality improvement approaches and their relevance to the clinical situation.
- Critically evaluate the principles and theories of leadership and management, national and local policy to determine their relevance to the care setting and leading/enhancing the provision of healthcare service.
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Quality improvement and leadership Student are required to individually present a quality improvement idea, identifying, assess and evaluating the contribution of quality improvement models, tools and strategies to enhancing patient safety. 15-minute oral presentation. 50% weighting
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Quality Improvement and Leadership. Students will participate in a group question and answer with an appraisal/critical analysis of one chosen idea/approach/tool for leading and promoting quality in their own organisational context (group viva).
Due date