Module PLP-4056:
ABA Dissertation
Dissertation in Behaviour Analysis 2024-25
School of Education
Module - Semester 3
60 credits
Module Organiser:
Millicent Blandford-Elliott
The aim of the dissertation is to conceive and execute a piece of original scholarship in the topic of behaviour analysis.
A handbook will be prepared for dissertation students. Students will be assigned dissertation supervisors in January. They will have their first meetings in January and February, with the intention to seek ethical approval for all research by 1 April. Students will be encouraged to collect the data for their dissertations in May-July. Final drafts of dissertations will be read the first week of September with the dissertations due at the end of September.
Assessment Strategy
You must achieve a threshold of 50% to pass this module. Please see below for guidance on what you must demonstrate in your work to achieve different levels of performance.
Excellent (A*, A+, A, A-) • Open minded and compassionate reflection on the ethical practice of behaviour analysis. All responses are consistent with the UK-SBA code of Ethical and Professional Conduct. • Comprehensive knowledge synthesised with applied understanding of behaviour analysis • Detailed understanding of theory with no factual errors • Critical analysis showing evaluation and synthesis of ideas • Novel and innovative originality in approach, interpretation, and voice • Extensive and comprehensive independent research • Logically defended arguments with evidence for all claims • Highly focused and well structured • Excellent presentation with accurate and appropriate expression • Correct format in appropriate referencing style
Good (B+, B, B-) • Honest and considered reflection resulting an ethical and compassionate practice of applied behaviour analysis • Strong knowledge alongside applied understanding of behaviour analysis • Clear understanding of theory and mostly free of factual errors • Some analysis showing critical evaluation and links between ideas • Novel originality in approach, interpretation, and voice • Considerable independent research from appropriate sources • Coherent arguments with evidence for most claims • Focused and well structured • Clear presentation with accurate and appropriate expression • Mostly correct format in appropriate referencing style
Threshold (C+, C, C-) • Honest reflection resulting in insight about the ethical practice of behaviour analysis. • Some knowledge of the practice of behaviour analysis. • Understanding the main theoretical concepts with no major factual errors • Basic analysis showing obvious points of evaluation and links between ideas • Some originality in approach, interpretation, and/or voice for part of the work • Some independent research from appropriate sources • Arguments presented with evidence for the most important claims • Readable structure showing focus at times • Acceptable presentation with appropriate expression • Attempt at correct format in appropriate referencing style with no major errors
If you do not meet the threshold, then your work will be graded as a Fail (less than 50%). Fail grades vary from Poor (D+, D, D-, E+, E, E-) to Very Poor (F).
Learning Outcomes
- Able to formulate predictions with appropriate consideration of existing literature and demonstrate understanding of data collection methods appropriate to their study.
- Able to integrate their results with related literature, and draw appropriate conclusions.
- Able to present their study and results in a formal written thesis.
- Demonstrate ability to manage a research project.
- Successfully conduct and report a substantial empirical research project, systematic review, or systematic case study using appropriate methodology and informed by current understandings in the discipline.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Dissertation. The dissertation is the final piece of coursework required to complete the MSc. The dissertation will present independent research that has been conducted by the student. The dissertation process will often include applying for and receiving ethical approval to conduct the research and time spent collecting data. The final dissertation will include a literature review, method section, results section, and conclusion. The disseration must be a piece of original scholarship on the topic of behaviour analysis.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
The proposal includes the literature review and research question that will form the basis of your dissertation. You must agree the topic in advance with your supervisor.
Due date