Module PMP-4007:
Thesis - MA
Thesis - MA 2024-25
School of Psychology & Sport Science
Module - Semester 1 & 2
60 credits
Module Organiser:
Gemma Griffith
Students who have completed the four taught mindfulness-based modules, and wish to proceed to a full MA degree in Mindfulness-Based Approaches, are invited to submit a thesis of 10,000-20,000 words (typically around 15,000 words). Students must have previously completed the module PMP-4004 Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Research, or have been granted exemption from this module because of previous relevant postgraduate research. However, prior scientific research experience is not a requirement for the thesis, and students will not be expected to carry out inferential scientific research into mindfulness-based approaches as part of their thesis, or within their professional role. The MA Thesis module is designed for students whose main interest is in teaching or otherwise using mindfulness-based approaches within their professional work. Working with a personal supervisor, students will conduct, analyse and complete primary or secondary research into mindfulness-based approaches in an area of their choice, informed by appropriate literature on mindfulness and its clinical applications, including published research, and the student’s observations and experiences. The thesis will describe the basis and approach of the study, and the collection, analysis and implications of the data. Alternatively, students may write an MA thesis consisting of an extended and structured literature review of a topic appropriate to mindfulness-based approaches.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -50%Attempts to answer the question directly but lapses occasionally into irrelevancies. - Generally accurate but some omissions and errors. - Tends to make assertions without clear supporting evidence or reasoning. - Has a somewhat loose line of argument; gives information that is mostly relevant but often does not explain why it is relevant. - Often relies on the reader to form links between successive parts. - Answer based largely on lecture material or on one or two essential readings. - Descriptive in style and approach, more than analytic.Reasonably comprehensive coverage, indicating generally accurate understanding, based on lecture material and core readings only. Limited critical appraisal. Straightforward research proposal for thesis. -good -60%All or most parts of the assignment question are answered. - Appropriate and accurate use of language, with very few errors. - Mostly clear line of argument and structure; so relationships between successive parts are generally easy to follow. - Integrates detail into a coherent whole and guides reader to a reasoned conclusion. - Good understanding of the material as demonstrated by a reasonably clear explanation of the issues in question. - Supports most assertions via theoretical justification and/or reference to relevant empirical research, showing evidence of some reading beyond the information given in lecture. - Fairly comprehensive in scope and largely relevant to the topic and issues. - Explanatory in style and approach, with some critical interpretation. - Good range of sources and data and careful use of evidence.Comprehensive and accurate coverage, showing good use of lecture material and core readings, with evidence of some further reading, and demonstrating ability to appraise the evidence scientifically. Shows understanding of research methods applicable to, and the published evidence base for, mindfulness-based approaches. Research proposal for thesis shows some originality and detailed preparation. -excellent -70%All parts of the assignment question are answered. - Entirely appropriate and accurate use of language. - Exceptionally clear line of argument and structure. - Each stage/section is explicitly and sensibly linked to the previous section and to the overall argument (i.e. clear progression and relevance) - Details integrated into a coherent whole with clear and well-argued conclusions. - Analytical in style and approach - Integrates a wide range of appropriate material and makes relevant connections between different parts of a given course or across different courses. - Critically evaluates the evidence in a logical manner. - Goes well beyond the information given in the lectures (and/or project meetings) - Shows clear evidence of extensive and relevant reading. - Has originality of exposition; the author’s own thinking is readily apparent.Excellent understanding shown of the wider evidence base for mindfulness- based approaches, together with its context in health care and perhaps in other areas. In-depth analysis and insightful scientific appraisal of published research into mindfulness-based approaches are shown. Very comprehensive and accurate coverage, indicating that the student has gone beyond the core and recommended readings and understands the area in depth. Writes coherently with clarity of argument and expression. Originality of ideas and a clear understanding of practical research methodology are shown in research proposal for thesis.
Learning Outcomes
- Analyse study data in an appropriate and defensible fashion.
- Choose and describe an effective yet practical study worthy of an MA thesis, usually including one or more focused research questions or hypotheses.
- Collect primary or secondary data for study in a manner that is auditable
and, where appropriate, sensitive to the rights and circumstances of research participants.
- Gain ethical approval for their study where necessary.
- Review the literature relevant to their study.
- Through critical discussion of study data, derive appropriate and relevant conclusions.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Final Thesis
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Thesis part 1
Due date