Module SNS-0003:
Essential Biology
Essential Biology 2024-25
School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Ewa Krzyszczyk
Topics covered by this module may include the following:
Cell Biology: an investigation of prokaryote and eukaryote cells, including ultrastructure of the cell and the role of cell membrane in transport processes. Associated practical classes will focus on the observation of cells using light microscopy, the calculation of cell size using microscopes and photomicrographs.
Biological molecules: carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Chemical elements and structure of common monomers and polymers. Role of macromolecules in biological processes. Synthesis, production and secretion of proteins in cells.
Mechanism of enzymes and their role in catalysing intracellular and extracellular reactions, practical effects of pH, temperature, concentration and inhibition.
Organism biology and microbiology: population biology, aseptic techniques, different types of pathogens which cause communicable disease in humans and plants and their transmission. Defence against disease.
Essential human physiology and anatomy.
Assessment Strategy
-Excellent (Grade A- and above): An excellent understanding of the subject matter with virtually no inaccuracies and misconceptions evident. Demonstrates a very good ability to apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios, with very few errors. The clarity of information presentation is excellent and use of appropriate, subject-specific terminology is very well developed. Evidence of reflectivity in the work produced.
-Good (Grades B- to B+): A good understanding of the subject matter. Very few inaccuracies and misconceptions evident. Demonstrates ability to apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios, with few errors. The clarity of information presentation is good and use of appropriate, subject-specific terminology is well-developed. There is evidence of engagement with the wider literature and published information sources.
-Another level (Grades C- to C+): A clearer understanding of the subject matter. Demonstrates ability to apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios, but with some errors. The clarity of information presentation is acceptable and use of appropriate, subject-specific terminology is developing. There is evidence of some limited engagement with the wider literature and published information sources.
-Threshold (Grades D- to D+): Demonstrates a basic understanding of the subject but some errors present. Some inaccuracies and misconceptions evident. Limited ability to apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios. The clarity of information presentation is weak and use of appropriate, subject-specific terminology is limited.
Learning Outcomes
- Apply biological principles to different subject areas.
- Demonstrate an accurate understanding of biological principles and concepts.
- Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate methods in biology.
- Present information clearly and logically using specialist vocabulary.
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
A 1 hr multiple choice and short answer test to evaluate your knowledge on cell biology
Due date
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
A 1 hr multiple choice and short answer test to evaluate your knowledge on biological molecules
Due date
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
A 1 hr multiple choice and short answer test to evaluate your knowledge on organism biology.
Due date
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Report assessment. Using the data you have obtained from your laboratory sessions you will complete tasks on risk assessment, data analysis, creating tables, figures, and graphs, writing methods and discussions. You will be answering set questions in regards to the methods used and data you collected in lab practicals.
Due date