Intellectual Property Law 2024-25
School Of History, Law And Social Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Wei Shi
The course will consist of a historical overview of the development of intellectual property law in the UK, at European Union level and internationally. It will examine the law of copyright in relation to literary, musical, dramatic and artistic works as well as in broadcasts, films and sound recordings. It will also examine performers’ rights in their performances. It will also examine the law of trade secrets, patent law, the registration and protection of designs and trade marks and the common law tort of passing-off. In each of the areas, the scope of protection will be examined, the rights conferred on the holders of the rights, dealings in the rights and remedies, both civil and criminal, against infringers of rights
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -D- to D+ (40-49%) : An answer which, while predominantly correct in its presentation of material, contains a significant level of error and is therefore notentirely reliable.
-good -B- to B+ (60-69%) :A comprehensive answer, containing all the material relevant to the question and no irrelevancy, all the material and references being accurate and correct, there being no inaccuracy or error, the whole presented in an argument which, while clear, logical and critical, leaves room for improvement in its construction and presentation. An answer which shows complete competence in the subject.
-excellent -A- to A* (70%+) : An outstanding, possibly brilliant, answer, containing all the material relevant to the question and no irrelevancy, all the material andreferences being accurate and correct, there being no inaccuracy or error, the whole presented in a clear, logical, critical argument with little room forimprovement. An answer which demonstrates a complete mastery of the subject.
-another level-(50-59%) : An answer which, while always in the main accurate and correct, fails to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant material andis lacking in criticism. An answer which while reliable with regard to correctness is either not comprehensive or not entirely pertinent.
Learning Outcomes
- Be aware of and analyse the three distinct levels of intellectual property governance, namely, domestic (UK), EU and Global (WTO, WIPO etc).
- Critically evaluate how UK intellectual property law has been influenced by EU and Global intellectual property law.
- Critically undertake independent legal research in relation to elements of UK/EU/WTO intellectual property law to advance proposals for the reforms of intellectual property law at these levels.
- Demonstrate critical skills in the analysis and evaluation on the extent to which the intellectual property regime at UK, EU and Global levels meet the needs of contemporary society.
- Describe and critically evaluate the principal characteristics and concepts of English and EU intellectual property law, including differences that exist between the four main components of intellectual property rights: patents, trademarks, copyright and industrial designs.
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
Final examination - exam requiring students to answer two questions. One will be in an essay format and the other in problem question format.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Written essay of 2500 words.
Due date